Is there a set dungeon for this set cause i cant seem to find anything online.
No dungeons for the new sets as of yet, sorry.
Not right now.
Bummer guess ill have to go bell build for the dungeon
I would suggest to the devs team to not waste time creating set dungeons for the new sets and take away the set dungeon requirements from the seasonal journey.
There’s the set dungeon conquest for those who really want to do them but most players find set dungeons annoying to do and they really do break the flow of the season journey.
Better for the dev team to focus on item updates/balancing and adding some challenge to Ubers again via some sort of GR scaling.
No set dungeon requirement for the season would be great for some of us. I have a friend that ends up playing a wizard every season because he knows he can easily beat a specific set dungeon. He’s tried other classes in the past and given up in frustration, finally rebirthing a wizard just to finish out the season. It’s a frustrating requirement that I am sure causes others a lot of grief as well.
Sounds like he’s a fan of Vyrs.
I have the same logic. Most of my seasons have been DH as I can do the Nats one with little issues. I’ll play Barb, Wiz and sometimes WD still as IK, Vyrs and Arachyr are all easy dungeons too but the Monk, Sader and Necro dungeons are like pulling teeth. I just don’t bother doing seasons with those classes now despite the fact that I do enjoy some of their builds… I just don’t want to do the set dungeons for those classes.
For Crusader, the Invoker dungeon is incredibly easy, and actually best to do when you’ve only just gotten your six-piece bonus as it’s easier to do with 30K thorns than with 300K.
For Necromancer, it’s Inarius. It’s literally just walking around the map pushing bone armour occasionally (to suck bones out of enough mobs) and killing everything with the resulting bone storm.
Monk, though, no thanks.
I did this back in season 5 and 9. I’d say you’re right about it being easier with just 30k thorns. I just don’t enjoy the objectives.
I’ve yet to try the Inarius set dungeon. If they make the set more competitive i might play Necro again one season.
monkey king set + bells build + kyroshiro’s soul = easiest set dungeon in game
it’s literally kill stuff within the timer and don’t let sweeping wind fall off. it’s on the same level as inarius set dungeon.
This a million. I hate the set dungeon mastery requirement. I love playing monk but all their set dungeons are god awful, none of them make any sense. I’m supposed to nerf my character to complete these arbitrary requirements, and I randomly can’t take fire damage? wtf does that have to do with being a monk. Would be nice if there was a patterns of justice set dungeon that wasn’t stupid like the other monk ones and you actually wanted the most powerful character you could get to finish it.
Set dungeons are done to make troubles with set gameplay. Do you really think that if set dungeons for new sets will added they will be the easy auto-wins?
who knows, there are some classes that have much easier set dungeons than the others they have, all monk set dungeons are pieces of $hit that are super annoying to complete