Patterns of Justice needs to be more like WotW

The set tries to facilitate a WotW playstyle but fails to do so because it has a very clunky playstyle and there’s too high a focus on RCR and spirit regen. My suggestion to fix this as follows:

  • 2-Piece Bonus: Sweeping Wind and Epiphany gains the effect of every rune. Each hit with Sweeping Wind reduces the cooldown of Epiphany.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: When Sweeping Wind is active, gain 50% movement speed. Gain 75% damage reduction whilst channeling with Tempest Rush and for 5 seconds after.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Hitting 30 enemies with Sweeping Wind will increase the size of Sweeping Wind for 12 seconds. This effect can be refreshed by continuing to hit enemies. Sweeping Wind damage is increased by 20,000%

This would help solve the clunkiness of the build, address Spirit regen issues with having 45 spirit regen form Epiphany (and allow Aquila to be viable in the cube).

I would also add Secondary attacks to Spirit Guards so that WoL, LTK and TR can proc it. SWK builds generally have no generators and all 3 of these skills could do with more DR.


This is my favorite suggestion ive seen so far. I especially like the idea of tempest rush on the damage reduction and only damage reduction.


Cheers mate. Yeah, it just seemed obvious that they were going for a similar playstyle to WotW and in the current setup, TR isn’t proccing the 6pc enough and there’s no incentive to use it really. If people want to run a non-TR setup, it’s still possible and DR can be gained from the many other sources that wouldn’t be playstyle compatible with a TR setup.

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Very nice, better than my suggestion although I do think the 30 enemies requirement needs to be halved. Btw how about 65% reduction? I say this because with the new fist you have 13 stacks of SW. You can change it so each stack gives 5% reduction and 5% movement for a total of 65% reduction and 65% movement. That way it keeps the theme, rhythm and fantasy in tact.

WW is still like twice as fast. TRing is so slow. :frowning:

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I’d recommend not to link the new set to a skill (TR) that is not buffed by the set. That feels wrong / crap?
Did some more suggestions out here: Monk and what we really need

You know Blizzard, once they got a theme/fantasy in mind they don’t drop it, they double down on it. If they want TR with SW to be a thing, they’ll fight through hell to make it happen. If that’s the case TR needs to be quadruple downed, it just feelsbadman to use right now.

A good way to force players to use TR would be to make those large tornados do 500% increased damage.

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If they want this connection why not including SW dmg @ swk set? Would even not push wol build that much - still lod should be stronger.

Because Swk set is already meta with bells, they want SW to be utilized with this set.

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if you really think swk is meta you are not playing correct. yes, wol is right now best dd build but with lod. innas is round 2-3 levels worse, swk version is weaker. bringing sw to swk set would make wol stronger but by far not as strong as lod variant. one reason is nissing cs and dr on swk set, also dmg is just worse. with those 13 stacks its gotten better but this is only 30% buff from swk as is state. you would need doubled dmg to be online with lod (the latter is approx value). and then you would have defensive problems.

Yeah, 30 does seem like a lot… guess we need to see how strong the larger SW really is first.

I personally like 88% max and at full stacks, we get trails of fire going forward every time we jump somewhere with Epiphany.

I think the 6 piece bonus could do with a rework entirely.

Assuming we keep the Tempest Rush at all, since the design seems to be centred around a high-speed storm theme:

6-Piece Bonus: Channeling Tempest Rush will increase the size of Sweeping Wind. Max 10 stacks.

Where I’d add 1 yard per stack, making the maximum range 14 > 24 yards as TR is channeled.

10 stacks would also pair nicely with Taeguk.

The new set needs to focus on tempest rush, sunwuko is all about sweeping wind, why another set? Right now monkey king does everything this set does but better. You even need two pieces to get the 50% dmg reduction for the new set…

Tempest Rush needs all runes and the dmg buff. Sweeping wind is just the enabler. It could be responsible for damage reduction or like you need to hit with both skills in order to deal the extra damage.

I disagree that the set needs to be more like Wotw. The set bonuses just don’t make sense to me really, the movement speed will never outpace (or feel better than) dashing, and the set is beyond squish. Dropping the movement speed for 60% (or more, we need at least one Monk set that doesn’t require Unity) DR is a no brainer. The 6pc should be any melee ability, not just TR. Then, obviously, a massive damage increase (like 10x, 100k vs 10k).

I don’t understand trying to shoehorn TR into this set. The skill is (IMO) just not fun to use, and even if it was, its not buffed by the set. If you want to play TR, there’s a set that buffs it specifically (SWK) and two other options to buff it generically (Inna and LoD).

If you haven’t yet, I’d suggest trying the set without TR at all, just using a gen and Cyclone. I found that to be much more enjoyable than bothering with TR.


Sunwuko uses SW as an enabler for WoL, LTK and TR. PoJ uses TR as an enabler for SW. Personally I’d like to see TR removed from PoJ and add Cyclone Strike to the six piece and to work DR instead of movement speed. Cyclone Strike is the only monk damage dealer that isn’t part of a set bonus (except for Inna’s generic buff). Not sure on the mechanics to change, maybe DR for each stack of SW for 5 seconds after CS for the 4 piece. There should also be an additional SW weapon that can be cubed or equipped (Staff of Kyro perhaps) that could buff SW by 300% and maybe increase the proc rate of SW cyclones for a few seconds.

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I don’t think anyone would take generators over Epiphany and Dashing Strike - the DR and Mobility are too good to pass up.

Raiment/Shenlong is the monk’s go-to Gen set anyway.

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