Patch please ! Progress orb node not working with pet build

After some testing, i can confirm that +1 progress orb doesn’t work with pet builds

  • hydra
  • inna
  • WoL
    I didn’t check with marauder.

Tested all the Wizard builds, had the progress orb showing all the time except with Hydra, after 10 GR recorded that never showed once the progress orb.

I think Blizzard should patch that Asap, monk is behind in the 150 push because also this progress orb doesn’t work, which weaken WoL build.


Great find! I thought that it was my eyes or perception that failed me when playing Typhon’s.

Are you sure. Some elites drop 3 orbs and some drop 4. With the Altar bonus, it is now some elites drop 4 and some elites drop 5. And this is not pet related, its always been 3 or 4 orb drops prior as it shows on all classes and not just pet builds.

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I read (heard?) that the extra orb drops at your feet, not with the rest of them, and you may not be seeing it before it gets picked up?


I can confirm this for Hydra. When I run as the tal meteor build I see the extra orb but with the Hydra build I never see the extra orb and the progress only goes up the 3%(magic monster orbs) 4%(rare monster and minion orbs).

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Been using the DH Marauder build, and to be honest it’s so hard to tell how many orbs drop. When killing the Yellow elites, it seems like I’m getting 5 to drop, but they disappear so quickly that it is hard to tell, even when I record the run. Too bad that we can’t turn off some of the altar powers.

For the Blues, I think I’m getting 3 most of the time.

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I knew I read it somewhere. From Icy Veins (take it for what it’s worth):

“Elite packs drop one additional progress orb.” — The progress spawn on a per-player basis, and drop next to the character once the elite is slain (and not from the pack itself, like the default progression orbs).

Since they are auto pickup, more than likely not even noticing them.

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Can confirm at least with Inna. Here is an easier way to see the bug:

  • find a yellow pack
  • kill all but one minion
  • watch the progress bar
  • kill the minion
  • observe the progress bar does not move