Patch 2.7 notes to drop soon?

Can’t change chantodo back, but the other mage-sets will def see some love. Suggestions considered.


Wasn’t chantodo “nerfed” because the mechanics wasn’t what it was supposed to do? Like WD’s “nerf” on pet damage bonuses working with SB…it was a bug that they fixed and in return “nerfed” it. If this is the case, it was fixed, not nerfed.

I thought all they did was adjust the attack speed modifier by a percent. So if it was a big then they didn’t actually fix anything. Just tuned it down

Because i nerfed it for a reason, it would be just plain stupid to reverse this change now. Chantodo working as intended

Not 100% on it. My memory is bad for things I’m not too interested in like math…I just remember when it was going down, all the people for the “nerf” was discussing how it was not supposed to do what it was doing and even the blue’s came in saying the same thing.

This is what I remember.

It was nerf because it was much stronger than any other build in this game. At that time there was no WW Rend, no AoV, no GoD, no Mundunugu.

All of the above builds are stronger than Chantodo. He must at least have a slight increase to make up for this difference.

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You can’t compare the rend right now with the old chantodo. The Chantodo before the last nerf was doing the same on the LB and with more clears. Seasonal theme comes into play right now with trying to “compare” builds. You also can’t justifiably compare builds with those who have 10k paragons on non seasonal.

I would have to dig up old posts from when the chantodo was getting nerfed to see why as I still believe there was a stacking issue and/with speed in which the devs did not foresee happening so they “nerfed” it.

Was looking around some and as far as I got was chantodo doing 140’s so in the subject on GR levels, this is totally fine. There’s 140’s all over in classes.

I seen another issue with it was the fact that you have vyrs as a archon build set yet have another set to use for archon which made to where you can just get stacks, pop into archon, then everything dies while not actually…doing anything. You became a tank that auto casted the “nova thing” which killed mobs.

If it was pushing 140’s then I see no reason for it not to come back but I’m not sure if this was seasons or non and how many people using Chantodo were pushing 140’s. If you brought it back then it would make all other wizard builds obsolete.

Wizards desperately need buffs. And preferably to take them away from the boring Deathwish+Etched Sigil meta. The hydra set tried to do that but failed. It’s damage is subpar and gameplay is not as fluid as with other sets. Need overhaul.


There’s been talk over in the Wizard’s section regarding how to handle Death Wish and Etched Sigil. Personally, I believe the first step of action is to revert the nerf of needing to channel for 1 sec in order to gain the damage buff. Next is to change Death Wish and Etched Sigil so that the damage buffs are applied only to the channeling skills themselves, followed by a buff to the damage increase provided by both items (which would most likely be needed as the channeling skills aren’t as powerful by themselves).

After which, buffs are to be provided to many of wizard’s support legendary items that pertains to our arcane spenders (for example Woh, The Grand Vizier, etc.) to make up for the loss in power that will definitely happen when changing Death Wish and Etched Sigil in the manner that is spoke of.

Again, that is only my own opinion on how to handle the death wish + etched sigil combo, we shall see how blizzard will handle the matter soon enough.

I think the DW and ES should stay and just buff other supporting items for other skills. If it’s not DW/ES then it’s archon. Archon was the main builds for Quite a while. Having something to boost damage via channeling but also having meteor viable and archon Could produce more different builds than just one main one.

Boost DMO set to make arcane orb more powerful, fix typhon set and let it work with DW/ES or buff serpent sparker to be enough, make vyrs viable for archon w/o chantodo, tal meteor, and boost firebird that could be a channeling set for igniting mobs or disintegrate (does it have a fire tune?).

I don’t usually main wizard, just this season I made LoD hydra. So don’t get all bent out of shape if I “didn’t think of something” :upside_down_face:

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The issue with that imo is that the channeling skills won’t be used for damage but to buff the damage of the other arcane spenders via the death wish and etched sigil combo. If the channeling skills are to stand on their own as primary damage dealers than either death wish and etched sigil need to work only for channeling skills or provide a bonus to channeling skills. For example, while death wish grants a global boost of 300%, that damage modifier could be doubled for channeling skills. There’s a number of options that can be done; but leaving death wish and etched sigil as they are shouldn’t be one of them imo.

Archon on the other hand has another issue in which the archon skills deal very little damage in comparison to chantodo. I’ve made a suggestion in which the vyr set could gain an additional damage modifier that’ll pertain to only the archon skills and chantodo could gain an effect that’ll reduce the damage damage of all abilities except for the waves of destruction while in archon form.

Take away the auto cast from etched and replace with extra damage to a certain skill that doesn’t have an off hand already. Boost arcane orb damage instead of all damage making it work with DMO.

Well i think we all can agree that other classes beside DH need some love.

The only thing i dont get, is that the only forum that seems to get it right are barbarians. If you look up their Suggestions-Thread for 2.7 , there is a high chance that some of this stuff will get implemented as its

a) well written and summed up very good
b) doesnt ask for skills to be changed as this would cost blizz too much man-power
c) its one consolidated thread

I have no clue why other classes didnt do the same thing…


DHs actually did before they got their new set.

It’s been like that for quite a while. Barbs have an active fan base in the forum. It takes for ever for someone to respond to me in the WD forum and the Wiz forum was fairly active for a while then died.

Seems the other class forums just don’t have fans that want to take the time to come up with calculations, charts, research, and suggestions. I know there are some wizard enthusiasts lurking around at least.

That’ll certainly get rid of the death wish and etched sigil combo; but as I said in an earlier post, you’d then need to buff many other legendaries in order to make up for the loss of power. That’s how deep the death wish and etched sigil combo has ingrained itself into the class. Regarding arcane orb, they need to buff the other runes of the skill; as it currently stands, Frozen orb is leagues ahead in power when compared to the other runes.

This is starting to suck eggs.

My only hope is that they address both set balance and QoL changes. Maybe even a new mode for endgame.

It bothers me how much effort us spent towards disposable seasonal themes. I mean…clears using the theme dont really even count once the season is gone. I play season only for the tab. I feel that is motivation enough. Spend the few manhours we have on integral changes.

Any day now. I’m sure of it.