Patch 2.6.9 PTR has ended!

I’ve got to remember to stop taking days off according to your schedule.


Please include some wizard buffs to the ptr.


Thanks for the quick correction.

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The week of 5/24 is not a start date. Which day of the month should we expect the PTR to be up? Its ok if you have to push it back, but give us a date not a week.


Presumably, it was intentionally vague (next week) and depends on how long it takes to fix things. If Blizzard said Wednesday and it took until Thursday to iron things out, the forum would erupt.


Really? What a joke…


We are having fun watching the thread title change. Tuesday the 26th? 25th is Memorial Day.

Right… and targeting a week will force players to constantly recheck which will cause them to stew. Just delay it indefinitely and re-announce to remove expectations.

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Well my pandemic memorial long weekend plan is Testing demon hunter’s new set. Now I gotta find something to do.

Your suggestion is another way to handle it PR-wise. It is one of those situations where no matter what there will be criticism. I think that I got used to soon™ so it does not bother me as much anymore.


Sometimes i wonder how many people work d3 department? 1? 2? Because diablo 3 department gives feels like small indie company on its alpha…

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You mean the Classic Games team. It is not a big team. They handle D3 game updates.

The Diablo franchise as a whole which has D4, Publishing, Community, etc. is much bigger. They don’t do the D3 programming though.

The date is not given because they don’t know how long it will take to fix, or what other issues may arise during the fix. Some things are not found until you push the build out to a live environment.

If they can set a date, they will do so and update us.

I am just glad they did not string us along all day hoping for it, then make us wait for tomorrow, or the next day.

Setting expectations in a timely way lets us make other plans.


even a small indie company would be able to handle such situations better imo… it kinda feels like there isnt even a d3 department and they let some trainees do the stuff


I agree. Its just that I will be distracted by other things/games and potentially realize the PTR is up late day 4 or 5. S-20 had a nice season theme, but has been underwhelming, so I was going to distract myself with theorycrafting/testing on PTR. Oh well… time to hit the EpicGames store and grab that free Civ-6 game for Windows… yet another launcher… /roll_eyes

…and yes for those who might be interested, the Civ-6 game is free on EpicGames store (EGS) only and its for Windows only at EGS. If you go to Steam its regular price but both Win and Linux.

Because there isn’t as far as I know. It is handled by the Classic Games team who handles D2, and a few other things.

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They already did string us along all week with this update. I wouldn’t mind if they do more. I mean i dont care after this disappointment.

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MissChe… how have you been in this glorious pandemic lockdown. :rofl:

Maybe we have different definitions of “string along”. To string along means to keep moving the goal post (release date) in fractional increments so you are always kept waiting and hoping. An example would be leaving us hanging today until the last minute, then saying maybe tomorrow, maybe Saturday, etc. Moving it forward day by day.

The alternative, which I prefer, it a clean call (not today), and an estimate of the soonest we might see it realistically. I know I don’t have to sit around today or this weekend hoping.

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I might try that Gwent free to play game. Maybe even get good enough to have an edge over my son while he is distracted with school work. :smile:

Add Chakram to Shadow set if you want to make up for the date.

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