Patch 2.6.7 (New PTR changes)

You can’t be a trash killer with 0 AD. At least not for 130+ .

Solid 5yr old comeback.

You can think what you want. I’ve already explained it multiple times to you and many others who are being purposefully ignorant to common sense logic and basic understanding.
I’ve tried to talk with you before and you are stubborn to everything and anything that you don’t agree with. I’m just going to save myself the time and ignore you.

Because trolls want Barb to be forever a zdps slave to the meta. And the devs listened.


PTR at Blizzcon was on PS4 and you can’t really play Bazooka Wiz on it so interesting to see why people think it got a nerf in round 2 of PTR for 2.6.7.

Guess we will have to wait for the patch notes.

For the 2.6.7 patch PTR, the relative strength of the ww/rend build was a contentious issue. Although there was a continuum of opinions, in simplified terms, some felt that this build was overpowered and the magnitude of the buff reduced. Others disagreed strongly with this assessment. Both “sides” presented their data, evidence, and arguments.

The developers ultimately looked at their game data and analyzed it. They decided to remove the extra rend damage affix from lamentation.

The question that I have is:

Why do people think that the developers did not analyze the situation for themselves with their own game data analytics to reach their own conclusion?

It was only contentious for people who didn’t know it’s limitations. Before this nerf it wasn’t even the strongest Barb build. Because the developers show no understanding of their own game. They haven’t for seven years. They didn’t suddenly see the light.

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I think the main thought about that is that I heard there is only a minor dev team( could be as small as just one Dev) doing all the things for D3. That might not be enough to get reliable data.
It also makes no sense if you give an item a big boost, to completely take that away instead of finetuning that item. That does not sound like the actions of an experienced dev to me.

I find this comment difficult to believe. If you are right, you should smile in the knowledge that the top build was left unchanged.

Again, I find this difficult to believe.

The PTR (=public test realm) has often had items with high modifiers that have been revised. This happens to many classes.

Is funny that ppl complain about macros and build diversity.
Macros have been here from the begining. Even the beloved lon spirit barriage… some of the best clears were done with macros to take advantage of the ticks.
And there will be always a best trash killer over the others cause if one build is 1% better than all the others, 90% of the ppl will use it just because of this and for sure lag will be more problematic as in wd days.
And for sure, many ppl that complain are the ones that can´t make a single non-archon star pack rotation manually…

PD: YES, i enjoyed bazooka even if i fail some rotations, was very fun for me.

You can believe anything you want but I welcome you to show one glimmer of comprehension in seven years of development. We are no closer to balance than we were on day one. They have changed added and removed systems to the game without any idea of the impact on the current systems.

The only way I can see reverse archon being less of a thing is if they change how the swami works, however that may also result in an overall nerf to archon.

Yep they do, but only a few have been reverted back in total, and that kinda makes it look like a panic action instead of a well thought move. Like mortick bracers I think :slight_smile: Oh look another Barb item.

Monks are giving you that sideways eye on that statement.



You and I had a brief discussion on this before. We both know they did test it.
You are good with math so lets talk basic benchmarks without the mechanics.
Wouldn’t it stand to reason, as we talked of breifly, that they deck out a full wastes ancient set imbued with 100 gems (13 in all) with perfect roll stats, 3K paragons start at GR100 and work their way up… When they hit too high, they take 10% off the belt. If not enough then another 10%.

Now if you want to tell me they did it this way which while not perfect, still has merits in logic, forgive me for feeling that I would find it hard to believe.
I am not convinced they test it above GR75 or T16. Maybe they do, or do not, but nobody has said exactly how they test it.

My problem is my gut feeling tells me they did not set the benchmark properly when they decided to nerf it.

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You may be right; however, I think they must have looked at the distribution of clears on the non-season PTR in comparison to the live era/non-season. When I did his for the top 1, top 10, top 40 and top 1000, I thought it was OP. I suggested to reduce rend damage on lamentation to a flat 100% from the prior range of 150-200%.

I think the whole Barbarian community while not being totally happy, they would find that percentage acceptable .

I doubt the whole barb community would agree. :wink:

They have good leaders in there waving the banner for equality. While they may not like the part-nerf, the WHOLE nerf was a little too much, so they would live with it. At the moment and I do not blame them, they are really p!ssed off.

I’m all up for buffing monks/classes that are below others. Still not a reason to mess with Barbarians like they have been doing.