Paragon point cap should be SSF mode only

Yeah, but that has nothing to do with if you CARE about it or not, which was the question.

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To prove who is the “best” player then player A’s record rift would have to be made into a challenge rift, so that all players could test their skills in it. With identical gear and identical map and monster composition.

Okay I’m now on board with this since SSF players think 800 cap is sooooo good, let them have it then and leave it out of my group play in season!

It makes sense only for SSF anyway, they even said that its to work in tandem with it themselves. It’s like the most anti-group thing ever.

I can live with that, will take me like 1-2 weeks to gear up and get 800 gons and push in SSF then when there’s nothing to do then get amazing Primal gear for 1% improvement to do nothing I’ll go blast gons in group.

Everyone’s happy, okay do this.


yeah I care about it. It levels the playing field so that group players don’t carry a MASSIVE advantage into their solo pushes. Group can gain paragon 4x faster than a solo player. FACT. It’s called levelling the playing field. Deal with it instead of whining. If you’re that good, you’ll have nothing to fear from this coming season. If you suck and rely on massive paragon advantage to rank ahead of better players who are solo and have much lower paragon, than you’re gonna suck. Get better.

Sure, except every single challenge rift features a retard build that blows. Not what I call “fun”. Again, why are you so scare of limiting paragon to p800? One can only assume that your LB ranking will massively suffer without massive paragon earned from group play being carried over into your solo runs. As I said to Kargon, get better.

SSF principles and paragon are 2 different concepts. Another player who is scared of ranking crappily on the LBs without their massive group paragon advantage. Instead of whining and spreading FUD, get better.

As I said, I don’t care about the boards, not even a little bit. What I care about is having my carrot taken away for reasons that’s imaginary. Nothing is “getting leveled”, it’s just shorter between peaks, but the peaks are very much still there.

I have no issues with the SSF mode that effectively negates the group advantage all by itself. Capping paragon won’t solve anything and will effectively reduce my season to the first weekend, and many other with me. There’s no reason to playing the season after reaching the cap if you don’t care about the boards.


“Get better” you say… You don’t even understand what I said about making player A’s record GR run a challenge rift so that all leaderboard hungry players could try and do it better. In that case it wouldn’t be the ordinary “retard” challenge rift. It would be an exact copy of A’s build and the greater rift he played so that anybody, including himself could try and improve the time. An exact even playing field.

“Get better” coming from a guy with numerous posts over the years about how the game is rigged against you and not having fair drop rates or fair drops of items you need… and other wild claims.

Maybe you’re the one who needs to get better?

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Yeah, well, some of us do.

I am statistically correct in those claims. Chain of shadows - far harder to get than ANY other belt for a DH. Shadow mantle’s set? Harder to get than ANY other DH set. I have also had constistent BAD runs with getting karleis point - sometimes up to a dozen rare upgrades before getting it (yeah - what are the odds of getting 9 straight LGFs - well, I know it’s 2^9 - 1024 to 1). The odds of such bad luck happening are damn well high - occam’s razor would suggest that the RNG is rigged in this game. And my extensive gaming experiences back this.

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Which you’re entirely free to do. However, arguing that the paragon cap will make it an even playing field is factually incorrect. Gear will still matter quite a bit, someone that plays a significant amount will have a substantial edge compared to the people that don’t, making it more or less a token change.

Weighted rates does not mean it’s rigged though, nor that it’s not RNG.


This is NOT correct. Paragon, and mainstat, make far more difference than gear has ever done. Even primals.

karleis vs LGF is 50/50. How the hell do I get 9 straight LGFs? The odds are 1000:1 and occam’s razor would again suggest that I am either exceptionally unlucky, or there is something fishy going on with RNG. The same happens with Chain of Shadows. Most seasons, I literally get ~10 of EACH of ALL other belts for chain drops. Chain has what, a 8% drop rate, so 1 in 12 belts that drop. If I’m getting ~110 belts drop before chain, that’s less than 1%. Far less than 8%. Again, something is off. Again, I have found this a consistent problem for many seasons. Unlucky over 1 season? It can happen. Consistently? Nope. Sorry, gonna call BS. The same crap happens with travellers pledge amulet. I get at least 20 duncraig’s for every TP that drops. Again, a consistent problem for me. What are the odds of 3 different items, consistently, season to season, being ultra rare to drop vs the other items in that item pool? Certainly, FAR FAR worse % drop rate than what has been suggested by data mining.

Did you actually read what I wrote? Because that response is entirely beside the point.

I believe you both actually are right to a degree. By weighted, yes, you would get unfair results. But I also believe it is rigged against you. I discussed this earlier with a few people, and no one believed me.

Back during the console days with a fixed RNG, I did some testing. Yes, I cheated and save scummed here. I noticed that what you were wearing would actually change what you’d get from enchanting items, as well as Kadala and upgrading via the cube. This part is not conspiracy, as I actually have proof this was happening. (Think of it like the seed to the RNG is partially generated by what you are wearing is my guess.)

The conspiracy part is that the weight of what you are after (enchanting, upgrading items, etc.) is that I felt the game was rigged in that items were weighted against what you were wearing. So if I wanted something like cooldown, I would wear full out attack gear. If I wanted a certain legendary for a set piece, I would wear anything but that set, etc. Now, this part I could easily be completely wrong about, as I only ran it a couple hundred times, and that’s not really enough to prove anything. Due to the change in the console though to fix the RNG, it’s hard to do any more testing.

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Isn’t there an issue in consoles that the seed for the PRNG function can be predetermined? I know there were a lot of videos explaining how you could craft primals of specific items that have always the exact same stats.

That’s due to the changes on the console.

Initially you’d get a random roll every time. People were abusing this by getting 100 of each material and reforging until they got primals. If not, just restore the save.

Changes were made so that it would be a fixed RNG. But that then lead to the issue you brought up, in that now you could create a repeatable way to get whatever gear you were after. Not as useful to an individual in particular, but communities spun up, so that you could find the least amount of effort needed to get perfect gear.

That’s why with competition, you really need online only saves where players don’t have access to that information.


I did pretty much the same and came to the same conclusion.

yes, that is correct. It’s another aspect of cheating on the PS4 that legit players have to deal with sadly.

The game is BROKEN on the PS4 now .

And, it wouldn’t be difficult for Blizzard to do either.

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