Paragon cap should be its own mode with a leaderboard

You’re basically punishing all players because a few people hate it that others can play more time.

Just make it a mode with a proper leaderboard and leave the rest of us alone.

I’m not thrilled that you brought over from D4 some of the most annoying monster affixes, but the Paragon cap just kills the season for me, and I have never cared about the leaderboards, and very rarely placed in the top 1000 of a set leaderboard (the PS4 leaderboards have been filled with modded items for years anyway).



20charssss reeee


Have a no paragon mode too

Yeah they make changes because only a select few cried? Grow up. :laughing::laughing::laughing: It’s only for one seson.

It is not punishing all players. It id giving players a more level playing field relative to paragon. Those who play more will still have an advantage in gear, augments, legendary gems.

This is for one season. One can still grind paragon in non-season.


Looks like one can still grind paragon on season given that the cap is 800 and the screenshot provided has the char shown being paragon 850.


I should be more precise. Paragon point grinding not paragon per se. I am not thinking that this capturrs the facts fully.

Your paragons are not going anywhere. Appears game still gonna keep record as shown in the screenshot at the blog. They just need a power gauge to determine how far of a compensation needed for embedding Altar in the main game. They might decide to keep paragon ceiling with Altar in only Solo self-found mode or not. If their test and feedback turn out to be positive they will embed this to whole game, if not, then Altar power will vary between Solo only and regular modes.

Read between the lines. No need to complain about everything without even playing it. To add, it is no use to complain about things right now. Before you give them a try first, they usually tend to not take armchair developers serious; yes they can see if you played the PTR or not.

I hope they make the paragon cap permanent. It really opens up the other systems of the game for more meaningful utility.


I don’t need to jump into a well to know it’s a bad idea.

Again, make this another mode with its own leaderboards and you don’t have to screw over most of the playerbase.


1000% agree. Make it it’s own little checkbox. Done deal. Let the rest of us grind smol number go up to have fun. Hell, actually remove the leaderboards from the uncapped. That’d be completely fine with me!


I wholeheartedly agree. :partying_face:

One of the many reasons I choose to skip D4, a hard cap on player progression. Paragon makes the loot grind more bearable since you cannot target farming specific items at least you gain something that is not RNG dependent.

With that being said, I don’t mind skipping a season, please do not carry this idea over to non-season or other seasons.

Making it an additional game mode is a great idea. :+1:


I agree, paragon cap will decrease playtime on season which is not good for people.


Ideally they want players to switch between playing D3 and D4.

For some people, their playtime will decrease while increase for others.

Consider someone who in the past has 1,500 paragon in season. They know that it is hard for them to be competitive versus an 8k paragon player due to the significant difference in main stat. Now they would be willing to play more to push leaderboards.

Should just be it’s own mode. Problems would be solved this way.


That’s a splendid idea if they want to absolutely drive their D3 MAUs into the ground.

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Cap limit on ssf only and no shared stash with regular season, same as hardcore.


Except there’s no proof that these people won’t stop playing earlier because their progression is capped.

Not to mention that this does nothing to fix leaderboards on console that are dominated by modded gear.

And to top it all off, if they made this its own game mode, none of these problems would exist.

This is not relevant to an argument about whether there is a cap or not on paragon point allocation in seasons.

This should be fixed if possible.

In the past, I suggested keeping the normal leaderbiard while adding a capped leaderboard. I am not adverse to a separate game mode. As an experiment, I am ok with how they envision this season. It is a temporary thing.

I am confused by what you want as proof. Are you are arguing that a player who averages 1k oaragon will now quit sooner since the allocation cap is 800?

You might imagine that they would play more since now they are not competing against a 6k+ player with >25,000 difference in main stat due to paragon.

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