Pain Enhancer provokes BIG lags

With new AoV set, Devs delivered us a Ferrari. We can reach 150 as RGK in Groups, 140+ in Solo, 135+ as Trash Killers in couple with another AoV Crusader.

Sadly, the last possibility I mentioned remains only on paper: I tried multiple times to play with Fate of the Hell, Pain Enhancer gem and Echoing Fury cubed, in GR 120-135 4-p Groups, and every damned time we encountered big trash mobs, steady lag emerged and killed us and any fun source. We tried also with 0 AD on everyone but nothing better.

This problem is huge and annoying. I noticed a bit better gameplay if I remove PE, but as you can imagine, I also loose big damage. This problem must be fixed, especially if you plan to cut off head of Bazooka Wizard.

The DoT effects, including the one from Pain Enhancer, generate a lot of calculations to servers. As a result it causes lag. It’s borderline impossible to fix.

This is the very reason why the WW build for the barb was changed. The original idea was to stack lots and lots of attack speed and AD, and Pain Enhancer was crucial for the build. The end result was a massive lagfest.

The only way to reduce lag in this case too is to change AoV builds to not stack massive attack speed through Pain Enhancer.