Overall PTR Feedback

Here are some cliff notes of my overall PTR experience. Over 100 hours played. I won’t write a novel because no one will read it.

Barb - Leakquake is a lot of fun, but needs more. Starts to get very challenging at 115 or so. I would like to be able to play this instead of rend and it be on the same tier class.

Crusader - Really enjoy the bombardment changes. Knee jerk reaction is that it’s too strong, but I would give it a season on live to give players another top shelf option. Otherwise we will have 9 gazillion demon hunters and necros. The Ivory tower nerf was a bit much.

Monk - 4 cubes is great. I do not enjoy the mechanic of Shenlongs with flurry. The swords set are more fun to play but not as strong.

Necromancer - Love the bracer. Love the 4 slot for another weapon. Knee jerk reaction is, whoa - too strong. But it’s not that crazy without the 4th slot. Tanky, fun, easy to gear. Serves lots of roles.

Clones - Great until like GR110. Then not a factor in pushing.

4th Cube - AWEsome.



Ey, don’t say that. Cratic did write a novel. Did read it and it was a good one :slight_smile:

overall the only thing they did right was the bonespear buff, everything else exept the bombardment buff, was not enough. twister wizz is unclear because nobody can play seriously because of lags and even crashes.

buffs like the other crusader sets and the monk sets are still way off, as is leapquake, as would be the other barb sets not even mentioned in the patchnotes…and barb is not alone.
every class need more than 1 (ideal 3+) push-builds (also ideally solo others than group) and as a balacing patch it totally fails in this regard

the season-theme: 4 th cube slot is ok, allows a little bit more freedom in most builds while the shadow clones (if they would be fixed=following, not disappearing, all around the same powerlvl) needs to be brought to a lvl where they’re not worthless while doing hard content - because on easy content you don’t need them anyway

I did some try other sets. Rolands was decent. Stopped being fun at around 115. Did 3 set condemn. Didn’t change too much. LoD Captain America with 4 cubes is always fun but could use some juice. Overall? You can make a lot of fun builds with Norvalds.

I just want to say some words for my fellow Witch Doctors and Wizards which clearly are under-powered.

As much of a WD player I am - I feel sorry for my Wizards most, they got slaughtered this patch and need massive changes/buffs which have also been detailed elsewhere, in great detail.

As far as WD goes, I feel like we were given Mundunugu’s a while back to make up for the fact that we only really had darts as an alternative top tier build. But this patch so far… even with the 4th slot hasn’t given (or taken away) anything and the WD meta is still the same since introduction of Mundunugu’s and that’s why the solo WD leaderboard only has that one set… and WD doesn’t get invited to most 4-man groups.


Hey! Looks like the PTR is staying up another week with a game balance update.

i hope blizzard buff wizards

yep, and what we need is multiple changes to the changes they want to add - and way more, if you ask me:

  • Etched Sigil change must not happen!
  • Winter Flurry changed to “Cold Skills deal 100-150% more damage”
  • Fragment of Destiny’s Spectral Stacks should affect all spenders.
  • we need one of our bad passives updated to grant something similar to Heavenly Strength: it should allows 2H staff + Source
  • Typhoon’s Veil set 4 piece changed to gain 40% DR per active Hydra
  • Tal Rasha + Firebird need a serious update/redo
  • Tal Rasha Source: Blue affix “Meteor damage +250-300%”
  • Firebird Source: Blue affix “Fire skills deal 150-200% more damage”
  • DMO (2) and (6) piece buff changed to all spenders and signature skills
  • Vyr updated so that Archon skills actually deal damage
  • revert the Chantodo nerf and add a dmg buff to Archon skills to the set!
  • Archon skill changed so that we can reassign the skills/buttons and we need Archon stacks to only affect Archon skills (and the Chantodo Wave dmg, but this should be part of the Chantodo set)
  • Wizardspike current AO buff goes to Unstable Scepter, then make it a Spectral Blade item (turn it into a sword), then maybe like this:
    Spectral Blade gains the Barrier Blades effect and deals triple damage. Attacking an enemy within XX yards with Spectral Blade instantly teleports you to your target.
  • Twisted Sword
    Twister dmg% buffed
  • Ranslor’s Folly
    Twister damage % buffed big time, plus icd halved
  • Valthek’s Rebuke
    changed to grant Raging Storm rune plus increased aoe range and damage %
  • Deathwish
    changed to all channel skills (AT, RoF, Dis, Electrocute, Archon DisWave) deal 800-1000% more damage
  • fix the Teleport skill !!!
    reduce micro cooldown, improve pathing, add different elements to the runes, replace Reversal and either change the skill to resource or charges, whatever you see fit. There are several working ideas out there, including my own.
  • Aetherwalker
    either needs to go completely or should grant Calamity rune and buff 300-350% DMG for 5 sec after casting Teleport
  • Mirrorball
    Magic Missile gains the Charged Blast + Seeker rune effects, deals 500-600% more DMG and fires 2 more missiles. There is a chance to pierce once.
  • Mykens Ball of Hate and Velvet Camaral
    both Electrocute items need +dmg % (and maybe some nice mechanical improvements on top… ideas are out there, just pick one
  • Shame of Delsere
    needs +dmg% to Signature Skills
  • Stone of Jordan
    Any static elemental bonus to skill is increased by 5-10% and affects all elements available to the class.
  • Jang’s Envelopment:
    Black Hole gains all runes, lasts 3 seconds and your pickup radius increases the area of effect.
  • Smoldering Core:
    Meteor deals triple damage and gains an effect based on the rune:
    Your unruned, Thundercrash, Star Pact, and Comet meteors gain the Molten Impact rune’s area of effect but have no cooldown. Enemies are pulled into the impact zone.
    Meteor Shower now drops 5 Meteors of every element.
    Molten Impact no longer has a cooldown, the impact area is increased by your pickup radius and deals 200% more area damage."
  • Updates for Slorak’s Madness (Disintegrate), Blackhand Key (make that into an Arcane Torrent weapon) and Light of Grace (Ray of Frost)
  • Dark Mages Shade
    Diamond Skin gains the effect of every rune and lasts twice as long. You automatically cast Diamond Skin when below 30% Life. This effect can happen once every 15-20 seconds.
  • new item: Halo of Krede (Legendary Ring)
    Energy Armor gains the Pinpoint Barrier and Energy Tap runes effect. While Energy Armor is active, gain DR equal to 70-80% of your critical hit chance.
  • Crown of the Primus:
    Slow Time gains the effect of every rune and a permanent Slow Time bubble follows you. Your pickup radius increases Slow Time’s area of effect.
  • Gesture of Orpheus:
    Slow Time consumes 10 Arcane Power per cast but now deals 2500-3000% weapon damage to enemies inside the bubble every second. Dealing damage to an enemy inside your Slow Time has a chance of spreading to all enemies inside your Slow Time.
  • Archmage’s Vicalyke:
    Mirror Images gain the effect of every rune, no longer expire and have a chance to multiply when killed by an enemy. The damage dealt by your Mirror Images now equals half of yours and they gain health whenever your shields are refreshed.
  • our skills Wave of Force, Shock Pulse, Blizzard, Familiar, Mirror Image and Black Hole need item support in general. There are ideas out there… just do something!
  • Blizzard and Shock Pulse in particular need damage options (through new items or by giving Starfire and Atrophy more love)
  • allow wizards to use Krysbin’s Sentence
  • change Manald Heal to:
    Increases the stun duration of Paralysis by 1 second and the chance to apply the effect to 50%. Enemies hit by Paralysis take XXX-YYY% increased lightning damage from you for 5 seconds.
  • we need movement speed!
  • bring the “Critical Mass” passive back:
    Dealing critcial damage with an Arcane Power spending attack reduces the active cooldowns of all your skills by 1 second.
  • look into wizards proc rates!
  • we need wiz related pants and shoulders

…just to name a few things. Some are from other players, some are my own ideas. If they did something like that and maybe rework some of the less loved passives… now, that would be a wizard patch. What we got for 2.6.10 so far are minor improvements (like Fragment affecting all signatures and a damage buff to Typhons) but the rest looks more like a punishment. They seem to think that wizard players are masochists…


Truly The best thing about season 22 is the end of that terrible season 21 buff, impo that did more harm than good. Now on a season 22 note for people like me that enjoy playing the game mostly solo, the conquest is going to be impossible to finish. It would be nice if the dev’s added one more, or replaced one anyone that does not have a character that can fly through the Griff’s at lvl 150 has a chance to finish the journey.


I think making a hardcore hero is the way to go and split them. I made one tonight and its a lot of fun. Very tense and different. But exciting.

These are good.

Not going to happen because they do not just need to make new visuals for that, but also new animations for character movement, etc.

This would be a really good change!
Not sure of they are going to do it since the whole fantasy behind it was that if you slay one head of the hydra, even more return (with the focus on slaying them).

Could also be a legendary affix, maybe even on a Wand or 1handed Sword.

If the Damage Multiplier to Meteor from the Nilfur’s Boast boots would be removed from the boots and then placed on a new legendary Wand or 1handed Sword, you could not equip The Grand Vizier, Etched, DW and this new Legendary Wand/1h-Sword at the same time, even with the cube.

This would solve the issue that Meteor is by far the most useful skill for Etched, and then Etched could be reverted.

You mean that it only effects Channelling skill?
That is a change that should have been done a long time, since in its current form, Deathwish and Etcehd funnel too much Wizard builds into using Channelling+Etched proc, where the Channelled Skill itself deals little damage.

Yes, please!.

That would be one of the most reasonable and also easy to do changes.

Electrocute is a lot of fun and I would love to see a build around it.

Needs a damage bonus as well, of a few hundred percentage points.

Meteor is already too powerful when comparing the bonuses Meteor gets to the bonuses other Wizard Skills get from legendaries.

If the change you suggest here is being done, then Nilfur’s Boast needs to be removed even more.

remove the movement speed cap!

to proc what exactly? what do you want to proc? Nothing really comes to my mind that is worth procing.

Or do you mean the Tick Rate of certain skills?
There is a bug with Disintegrate that causes it to tick too often.

To the other things I am kinda neutral or have not much to say.

The only other thing that I would suggest is to reduce this list down to the 5 or 6 most important changes you would like to see and focus on them, since you know the D3 team is small at the moment and therefore has not much manpower available, and they also will probably only focus on the most important things.