Orek's Dream Rifts

Hey, a couple of weeks ago, I had back-to-back Orek’s Dream rifts. What are the chances on that? Anyone else have this?


According to this article, rolling an Orek’s Dream has approximately less than 1% chance. So if you rolled them back to back without any normal Greater Rift in between, it’s really low as a fraction of a fraction of 0.01%.

However, I believe if you keep botching the Orek’s Dreams and leave without any significant progress, you may get a small boost in occurances. It could be random, but that’s my observation from play testing a few weak builds. Have you by any chance failed the Orek’s Dream and left to sink more keys?

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Yep I had this twice this season. That is on two separate occasions I had 2 in a row. I just assumed they had boosted the chances.

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Maxroll seems to have slightly outdated info since in patch 2.7.7 the chance of Orek’s Dream spawning was increased to 4%.


And that’s right:

Orek’s Dream encounter rate buffed from 1 to 4%.

From Season 30 - The Lords of Hell


Also something about probabilities: having back-to-back Orek’s dream probability (if you count only those occurences when you have at least 1 Orek’s dream) is exactly the same as having a single Orek’s dream (when you count all runs). It might make it feel it’s something extraordinary, when it actually isn’t super rare: every 1/25 Orek’s dream will be followed with a second Orek’s dream.

After pushing with some builds this season, I really would have wanted possibility to pay more keys etc for 100% sure Orek’s dream. This would have also been a good Gold sink. I’d pay 10x more than the extra gem update costs, and gold farming would make sense again.


Simply give an option to pay 25 GR keys to open an Orek’s dream.


No, in this instance, I completed the GR then opened another GR and got another Dream.

One time it was a back-to-back dream, then a regular gr, then a dream again. I thought that was weird, especially since I probably did 100’s more gr’s before getting another one.

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I just had 3 in a row. A GR 52, 55, and 58 gearing up my WD.

Yeah, after coming back to play season 33, oreks dream are everywhere… Idk if I’ve just been lucky, but feels like even the not-oreks rifts have woods, BF or fields way more often than it used to…

Back in my day pushing used to be difficult! :older_man: