Orb of infinite depth

What about changing the legendary power to increase just explosive blast damage, instead of overall damage, in an amount that will make an explosive blast-based build feasible? 100%, 200% or something like that, like nilfur’boast does with meteor or the grand vizier.

There are too many meteor and archon boosts in comparison to explosive blast, I’m not proposing to remove those boosts already there, I’m proposing make explosive blast builds great again, and with Legacy of the dreams I think there’s a possibility as long as the spell receives a boost from somewhere.


I absolutely agree with you since I really love explosive blast, which only has one supporting legendary instead of two or more (Frozen orb, meteor, 2 more for channeling). Boosting OoID might not be enough though, as I’ll explain here. There are two ways to play EB-based builds:

  1. In-geom farming builds that incorporate OoID and have Wand of Woh in cube (or In-geom in cube). These will definitely become stronger with a boost
  2. Push builds with some set (Firebird, DMO and Tal are all viable, DMO possibly the strongest) or LoD. There are three slots regardless of LoD/set (weapon, source and weapond cube): one is for Woh and those builds are channeling-based, so they use deathwish (x4.25) and etched sigil (x2.5) for a x10.625 multiplier. But even if OoID receives a huge multiplier, it will not be enough due to all the extra Etched EBs you do. If OoID surpasses Deathwish in multiplier, it will simply take its place in the channeling build (wearing Woh and Etched).

It’s too bad that channeling is so strong that these two items (deathwish and etched) have dominated non-archon builds for the past two years (not FO). Another effect, such as decreased cooldown/cost with OoID and/or effect only for your EB and not for etched procs should be added in order to have a distinct play style (these are random ideas but you get the point).


Very nice feedback I have to say.

I like the in-geom builds, as you call them, for one single reason, movement. I don’t enjoy the channeling play-style, teleport and stand. One of the great perks about EB is that you cast it while moving, making viable the use of items like the hexpants of mr yan or the illusory boots, and I would really like see a boost in those kinds of builds, either the DMO or the LoD (personally I like LoD better). Also as you mentioned, the channeling builds already have their multipliers with deathwish and etched sigil.

To be honest I haven’t tried the channeling EB build, let me test it to compare it (damage-wise) to the in-geom build.


I’d rather change another source that does little or nothing to do that high EB damage than one that’s actually used at the high end already and I’m sure at this point Blizzard would acquiesce.

When we actually start running out of places to put legendary powers (imagine that day if it will ever come) then we can look at sacrificing powers for the greater good, for now, plenty of room to not do that.

Is OoID really used in high end? Haven’t seen it in the first positions in the ladder. Right now everything is taken by Chantodo’s. I guess if OoID is used is because of the 80% damage reduction, not really because of the 40% increased damage, that’s actually quite low compared to the numbers we deal with nowadays, so changing the damage part wouldn’t affect the builds that use it for the damage reduction I think.

Anyway, in my opinion, changing OoID or just taking another useless source and put there a legendary affix that buffs EB for real is also fine for me, as my goal is not changing OoID, is buffing EB, I proposed OoID because it sounds as the natural option as it is already EB-oriented.

Well yes it is high end viable is what I mean, not talking meta max. Like you’ll actually use it vs not use it at any time. Yes the 80% damage reduction makes it really viable, the damage is nothing special, but there. Rather change something we never use like Primodial Source or something.

I like the idea. but as mentioned above another piece of equiptment with a lego power of EB% damage would be better. I would personally like it on a pair of pants and/or a wizard hat (hat would be great because 4 apoc)