Only able to power up gem 4 instead of 5 times

In a GR54 with Empower Rift checked, I only was only able to improve my gem 4 times instead of 5. I didn’t die. I completed the rift in under 3 minutes.

This is the first time ever this has happened. I assumed, at first, that I had forgotten to check the Empower Rift box. But when I got back to town, the box was checked.

I think I found the actual bug. I tested checking the Empower Rift box, leaving the game, and coming back in. The check remained. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t register as actually being checked.

I have a habit of leaving the game and restarting every hour. Sometimes more often, depending on what I’m doing. (Clear Rainbow Portals, Not the Cow Portals, refresh Bounties).

If I’m running Empowered GRifts, leave the game and come back, the GRift Empowered box is still checked and I still get 5 chances to upgrade my Gems. So, if this is what is causing your issue, it must be something on your end. (Hardware, software or connection).

You were probably out of gold, and earned enough gold during the previous gr to empower one again.

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I can’t prove this bug doesn’t exist, but I can report that I have not experienced it. I can test it tomorrow and see if I can reproduce it.

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If you empowered a GR, and without leave the game, the “option” will remain checked.
With all of your characters .

If you play an empowerd GR and you leave the game, next time, everything will be unchecked

Not possible to launch a empowered GR without enough gold

Oh shoot - this one sounded like a possibility. I do run a little lean.

And I wanted to emphasize - it’s not that I only got 4 gem ups, it’s that I only got 4 opportunities to improve a gem instead of 5.

I’ll do some testing when I’m finished getting all my alts settled and gold is no longer an issue.

Thanks for the input, all.

Right. I forgot that was actually a thing. Then I have no idea what would have caused this bug. Maybe it was a one off?

I however have been having weird issues as well, I think I’d better make a tech support thread.

I not only can Leave Game, Start Game and the Empower box remains checked, but I can Switch Character, Start Game and still have the Empower box checked.

The only time the Empower box becomes unchecked is if I Quit Diablo III or manually uncheck it.

When I said “leave”, it’s “quit”, probably a bad translation on my part

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