One Man with his forms ,spreed sheets ,and bullet points dictate direction where D3 is heading

MicroRNA knows about D3 more than Nev’s or any Blizzard employed. Even with no tables or maths any player that actually plays the game know more than any blue.


the D3 team think at GR140 with 4.5-5K Parangon and not 10K .

Press ( X ) to doubt.


Surely you jest sir.


This is pretty much correct. I didn’t do any math. Microsoft excel did. It was quite simple. I downloaded Blizzard’s leaderboard data through their community development API for all seven classes era 12. This was imported into excel. Excel was used to sort leaderboard clears by paragon. As such, I only used paragon clears of 4.5k to 5.5k to let excel again calculate the average. I did no math. Unless someone is claiming that Microsoft excel can not calculate an average, I think we can all agree the question related to using different datasets (mine was later and less prone to artifacts) and that Blizzard scaled/transformed their data to model a 5k paragon player while I used actual 5k paragon data from the leaderboard.

The non-season leaderboard was data from less than 3 weeks where only 2 days existed where S19 was not concurrently running. This is consistent with Nev’s subsequent post on the recent PTR feedback forum.

The good thing is that they are continuing to look at the data and acknowledge that the age of the data and class popularity caused issues with their game balance blog tables, hence Nev’s quote.


You’re flat out wrong. Take a look at this post by Blue-Matthew Cederquist;


And I’m really tired of inane comments like this. Crusaders cleared 150 easily. If barbs were able to there would have been no problem - simple equivalency.

Hope this helps.

Crusaders were nerfed in patch 2.6.7a. Blizzard stated that the nerf did not go far enough. In the patch 2.6.8 notes, crusaders are being nerfed again. Even in these notes, the developer’s comment is that they will continue to watch crusader as a third nerf may be necessary.

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No, Crusader needs a bigger nerf too. We will see how the latest one works out

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No, you said that if barbs had the 200% lamentation it would be problematic because they would have cleared 150. Crusaders did, easily, and the universe didn’t end.

Hope this helps you understand what ‘equivalency’ means.

That is irrelevant to my point so I’m not sure why you replied to me. I stated (now for the third time) that this ‘well if lamentation was 200% barbs would have cleared 150’ is silly to portray as problematic because - crusaders cleared 150s. And even after the nerf they are still stronger rgks than frenzy barb.

Both of you completely (deliberately) misunderstood my point so here it is, plain as day. Now go back to your clear agendas.


Wtf are you smoking? Blizzard doesn’t want solo players being able to clear GRift 150s. Any class, regardless of the class, needs to be nerfed to their measures if they exceed the expectation. It doesn’t matter if it’s Barbarian or Crusader or w/e. I did say the thing about Lamentation and it’s true. What’s your point? That Crusaders can clear 150? Both classes need nerfs, end of story. Of course the universe won’t end. You just need a wake up call that some builds are overperforming.

The expectation is currently GRift 141 @ 10k paragon or 132ish GRift at 3-5k paragon.

You can nerf all builds to parity and given enough time someone can still do a 150 solo naked. You can’t balance around a fixed endpoint with infinite progression. Beware the asymptote.


No, max paragon is 20k just fyi.

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Doesn’t matter. Given enough time all classes will reach 150 solo non season. The odds of winning the lottery are nearly impossible but eventually someone wins. If enough players fish enough rifts someone will win the golden ticket. In the meantime they’re screwing over the average players with average paragon. Nothing shrinks a game quicker than catering to the elites at the expense of everyone else.

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This is only true if you are within a certain distance of GR 150. No necromancer has a chance at this at the moment because it would need 13 GRs more or 7.7X more functional DPS.

The way damage is calculated in this game is such that no naked player will ever clear GR 150.

At least in the balance blog, they mentioned trying to balance around 5k paragon for solo non-season clears. It is still a small percent but at least it is not the top 50 or anything like that.

You’re so freaking dense. Fishing for the perfect GRift doesn’t automatically mean you can clear it. You still have to have the damage for it. Creatures have a certain amount of health and you do a certain amount of damage. currently, GRift 150 has more mob health than character damage done to even clear with the absolute perfect GRift

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Picks up the pillow jokingly… :wink:

You shouldn’t claim they’re trying to balance with one breath and negate it with the next. Go ahead and make the wild leap to believing they’ll do something for Necros someday, maybe.
Hyperbole. It’s obvious to the most casual observer that it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.
They mention a lot of things. How many of them come true?

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You need to burn that strawman. It’s not automatic it’s a combination of luck and skill. It can be done.

Unnerfing Lamentation was terribly. Ruined Barb. And the nerds to Hydra legs are also awful.