On Diablo 2: Resurrected - Before it is too late

What about personal loot? hahahaha

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Yes the heroes need a serious rework, the zon is abominable the assassin is unrecognisable (Asian man?) and the barb looks puny. Sorc looks great though, best out of them atm.


I am neutral about personal loot. Community well-being can be sought.


i truly truly truly agree


Personal loot encourages public teamplay. Ranged classes have a huge disadvantage.


You are just RIGHT! Great mentions.

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Maybe if they create different league options (like SSF in POE) everybody will be happy. They already said that expanded stash will be an optional feature, so maybe they can create an old school league and an QL improved league

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Eight people will play together and personal loot system might improve the experience.


The thing is, in D2 everybody played in password games, often alone because otherwise there was no loot for you. That is why personal loot might be a good idea, but many players will hate it.


There can be a loot option that can be enabled or disabled for groups. I generally prefer playing alone.


Is there a reason why you play alone? Dont you think it is ton of fun with a friend?

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I generally like to play alone so i can go at my own pace and do what I want. Playing with someone else you always have to keep going when you want a break or just generally yank eachother around the world constantly.


Okay, I personally enjoy playing with others. You can choose people that you come along well :slight_smile:

Also, it is more fun if you can give a friend a good drop he or she needs.

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I had long long times in this game with friends. But playing alone is what i generally prefer. My route, my aim etc.


Fair enough!

I think that it should be personal loot or not. There cannot be an option. That would not work. However, personal loot also means 8times as much items or runes per 8players game with friends. Huge advantage versus playing alone.


“As it has always been?” What has this game “always been?”

What patch do you want D2R to be based on? 1.14? 1.13? 1.12? 1.11? 1.10? 1.09? 1.08? 1.07? What version is “tr00est” to you? Good luck.

They were making significant changes and additions to this game as recently as 2010, patch 1.13c, long after Blizzard North closed. Acting like the current version of LoD is something special and needs to be carefully preserved in formaldehyde doesn’t reflect any sort of reality or sense to me.


I am neutral about personal loot. Community well-being can be sought.

Can’t agree on “nothing should be changed minus visuals, etc.”

There are areas where the game can still be tweaked, like many mods did, to bring some of the left behind builds more up to a good baseline. Increasing the options of play is always good and something I’d like to see the team do even if it is unlikely to impact my first play through.

There are correct upgrade paths to the game and what I want, and I’d guess many others, is D2 Remastered (which they’ve appeared to do a great job of) and then tweaked a bit so more builds can shine but NOT take away old ones.


I disagree with the expectation that remaking of a game should turn it into a whole different game.
I also have some ideas that will surely make this game sell 2 folds but the point in this remake is preserving the game’s sense as it has always had. New ideas are just for new games.


Making, for instance, Sacrifice Paladin a more viable build doesn’t change the game at all but just increases the ways to interact with the game.

The essence of D2 needs to be preserved but making more builds viable would, imo, just further improve the game