OMG - Still no news on S30 or season start/end dates!?

Are they going to start a new season in the middle of an event? I’m not looking for it until after Jan 31 (or whatever date it ends).

Giving hopes to people isnt helping. In forums people will take this for granted and start false rumors then everyone will be heated if this doesn’t happen ngl

If people get mad because this doesn’t happen they are dumb on another level. It’s literally the worst way it could happen, all in the same week. Unless all you play is one of the 3 games. They have done this in the past releasing d2r and d3 season very close to each other so it wouldn’t even surprise le if it happens.

This was my favorite response. :rofl:

Hopefully, they end S29 today and start s30 on Friday.

My wife is going out of town for the weekend, so then I can grind uninterrupted.

Which is about 3 months too long for 99.99% of the fan base.


D4 Season 3 Starts on 23rd of January.

Not confirmed anywhere, theres been posts about them considering not having it start the same day as it ends

Diablo 3 Season 30

Adam Fletcher @PezRadar


Thank you once again @PezRadar for not communicating this type of information on the official forum for the game. You force us to dredge through ad infested social media websites to get any breadcrumbs of information… You’re doing a great job as the community manager of not participating with community as much as you should/could.

(Yeah, I know it’s probably your higher ups restricting you, but still.)



Assuming the “news” will be the timetable, if Bliz forgoes the 10-14 day warning, this could mean S29’s end on the 14th and S30’s start on the 19th. Otherwise, 21st and the 26th.


So you guys still reading the tea leaves? :laughing:

my guess is that the S30 will start in early February :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

doubt it. suppose you’ll have to grind on something else…

The season will start end Feb/early March, they want you playing D4 S3 for a while.

I cant help but read that twenty-firth in my head even knowing its wrong lol, almost gets me as bad as the brits all saying twenty-sickth for sixth. (theory disclaimer : the brits are notorious for having bad teeth, maybe its too hard for them to say sixth properly)

February 30th. And not a day sooner/later.


News on s30 likely to be next week according to Pezradar on x (twitter).

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yeah but they didnt have d4 and their cash whales to appease either… they HAVE to keep the sweaty try hards happy in that or they lose the company haha

So… I must confess that I was wrong. It’s a really good news about season is here. And season starts during the Tristram event.

Thank you for taking a bullet for us, I would not have survived long browsing that toxic social media platform. Yuck

Dry guesses. Blizzard moves when they move not we we say move. As I’ve stated before to d3 is their last installment so this isnt their big focus so their not rushing to change seasons every 3 months or so. Again patience