Ok Blizzard, you win

I’ve been playing Diablo since the first, my favorite series in games. I always bought it in advance, the only game I do that. 1 was excellent gloomy, it was scary to play at night with no light on. Here comes Diablo 2, exceptional keeps the dark side, new possibilities, rich game, best of the series. Finally, Diabolo 3, in color, has already started to leave the axis it has consecrated, but it had the auction house, many transactions, I met a lot of people at D3. I made friends, participated in clans. until you have mine. From about 3 years ago the game started to decay, endless bugs that took centuries for Blizzard to solve. Most of the bugs who solved were the fans players, looking for solutions that were to be solved by Blizzard. Connection problems that were never resolved by them, they always put the blame on the route of the internet provider, she, Blizzard never had network problems, it’s the providers…
Until the last bug that happens for 3 seasons, the game simply freezes, sometimes it goes back 3 seconds, other times it doesn’t come back, 1016 has already become a routine. Does blizzard solve? Of course not, who solves it and the community discovering that you have to get a dll in Heroes of Storm, then you change it in the Diablo 3 folder and voilá, resolve but your game is muted. Blizzard didn’t have the ability to solve it and won’t, now the main reason for this outburst, There are 5 seasons playing on Hardcore, who knows what and playing on hardcore with all these problems knows what difficulty it is. I was playing as usual without sound, making a 119 slot and the game to my surprise freezes, the result you already know. I stopped, I stopped Blizzard, the tolerance with you regarding the disregard for the D3 makes me stop definitely with the game, sad but I won’t open the ticket because you will always ask for the same thing and in the end it won’t come to anything but the default answer “contact your internet provider to change the route”.
The most amazing thing is that this only happens with Blizzard games, no other game has problems with freezing, latency, video or anything else. Anyway Blizzard, you guys won, I can’t stand to create char, level gems, level caldesan to in the end die due to game problems caused by you. Diablo 4 is coming, I don’t care about the history or other factors, my only concern is with servers, if it continues like this, you’ll end up with the company, and it’s not just me who thinks like that…

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Feedback in this thread seems very positive…

Thanks for the post but I’m tired of doing this and do not solve. There comes a time when you lose the will to collaborate with bugs because no one solves them. This freeze and crash bug has been running for 3 seasons and has not been resolved so far. I’m going to play games that give me pleasure, D3 doesn’t give me anymore.

Just for you :point_right: :cookie:


There are always some idiots, I’m not surprised, to help improve this you don’t want to or don’t care, you just want to make fun of the posts, okay, go on.

So Sorry for all that.

If you’re still playing D3 on Win7, sadly there is no longer any official support.

The PTR has players testing a fix as we are speaking. Blizz says that it will keep trying different builds if needed to eventually get the issue resolved. The issue is with FMOD, still don’t fully understand what it is or what it does for video games.

What you don’t understand is that not all bugs are created equal. Some really are hard to solve. Because some bugs cannot be easily reproduced.

What now does Blizz have to change from being ran by people that are not perfect into perfect gods that have everything done to absolute perfection. D4 will no doubt have its own set of bugs that will be at release. Maybe even some bugs that will take years to fix since it is not easy to reproduce them.

This is not just Blizz either this is other games as well. PoE, Grim Dawn, City of Heroes (game shutdown in 2012), along with many other games in the past, present and future. All will have their bugs, some easy to fix others that are hard or next to impossible.

Yes you’re right, bugs are complex, they don’t resolve overnight. for sure D4 will have bugs at launch. Now what do you tell me about the Firebird bug? That took more than 1 year to resolve. Was it too complex or neglectful? In summary, I think the company, “in my opinion”, may be wrong but it takes a long time to resolve the bugs, leaves it for seasons, does not satisfy its players and when necessary the community screams to the four corners of the world for her to do something. Meanwhile players are solving in part, playing without sound is not a solution.

There are also many bugs which they have to deal with. Obv they prio some issues more than others. They doing what they can to make things right. What are you suggesting that they should do? Hire more ppl or work twice as many hours per day with same salary?