OK After Looking At Definitions

i believe blizzard has said numlock is fine at the moment.

it’s kind of mandatory for devour necro builds so i hope they dont ban it.

What is the num lock feature and how does it pertain to diablo 3? I’m confused

You can load up youtube’s homepage and search something like : diablo 3 numlock trick (in the search field).
Haven’t used it in years. As far as I remember it can be problematic in some cases because it interferes with casting or using other skills.

How quickly people forget:

I don’t think this is the case. Where did you see blizzard talk about num-lock?

there was a forum post at some point, i dont have the link though. I just remember one of the community managers basically said that at the moment the devs dont have a problem with it

Me and a few others spent some time trying to find any word from blizzard on this, and we didn’t find anything. So would be much appreciated if you could find that post, if it exists.

it might have been on the old forums which afaik are gone now.

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It was and is now gone. As was the rather epic thread on them trying to avoid saying anything one way or the other about the “Official” D3 mouse I linked in the videos above. It had full macro capability, the macro software had the Blizzard logo on it and was sold via their online store when it was still made.

If it is possible to play without it but it just makes it more convenient?

For example the Necro builds that use it for Devour instead of the aura. I used to play it without num lock and it is fine but spamming E constantly when it doesn’t make the build any harder to pull off vs just automate it seems like an easy choice.