Ok... about rainbow goblins

Yupp, pure pain. Last thing and rng god is on vacation sens 2016…

Nope, never happened to me. When I find a Rainbow Gob during bounties, I kill it, then I write in the chat that we will clear it after all the bounties are finished. Always worked well for me this way.


Not exactly related but to feel your pain:

I have farmed different items on different accounts.

For example the Harvest Pennant. I found it within a day on this account. It remains elusive on my alt, meaning haven’t found it yet. And on my EU account I found it on the first attempt…

I have yet to find cosmic wings on any account or anything. So… That one apparently has a way lower chance of hitting. And finding the goblins seems to be hard to start with, at least for me. Never even saw one this past season and that was with me completing the base 4 chapters for 2 accounts and 2 regions.

I’ve given up finding them. If it happens, OK. But, the hunt is so boring that I see no purpose in doing it any longer. The exception may be to get Liv Moore as I need an actual zombie pet but I’ll just let the game decide when.

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Been here since beta, haven’t seen the wings once.

Not once.

nor the rainbow portrait from the staff funs

Thank you and simply put… off i go to hunt :slight_smile:

I used to think it was the other way round. Cause I can’t understand why people would be willing to go through so much more effort for that portrait frame over a set of wings. At least you see your wings most of the time.

Ummm, you see the rainbow portrait frame all the time if you select it. Right up there in the corner surrounding your portrait.

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No, I never see them. Because I don’t use them. Getting another set of things to not use is not encouraging or worthwhile.

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That Rainbow Portrait Frame is hideous. I never use it. Come to think of it. I never use those Cosmic wings either. Slaps his forehead. :man_facepalming: What a waste of my time looking for both! :hot_face:

Not a legend. I actually got the wings the 1st week they were out. I have paid for that bit of luck with years of the crappiest RNG rolls you can imagine .


Knew I should have reworded my post. You look directly at your character way more than at the top left corner. And if we are talking about in a rift when you aren’t looking at the character you look at a specific spot because it needs your attention so at most the frame will just be in the corner of your eye. Town is whatever of course.

Or maybe it’s just me, I put on a nice one that looks cool but I barely notice it while playing.

I agree, that portrait looks so meh. I am not against the idea of out of place silly stuff like it but I just don’t see the draw of going through all that effort, unless it is just for the idea of having it which I get to an extent. But hey I think the classic Diablo 1 mana/hp portraits are some of the coolest out there so we all have our opinions.

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Other than farming for the portrait, it’s a complete waste of time even farming the mats for the staff… you have an exponentially better chance encountering a rainbow goblin… I did it just for the personal satisfaction (there wans’t much) took over 100 runs of caves of frost to get the drop… about 50 of leorics, but that’s a much easier and shorter run… As far as rarity to goblins… I’ve seen 3 this season…

It’s a severely broken mechanic because people equate absurdly rare with challenging. The truth is Blizzard hates us and laughs about it.