Oculus ring on follower

Does the 85% number matter on followers or will it be that regardless of the % on the ring,also playing meteor if the circle procs close or in monsters do you still want to stand in it or stay away.

Yes, you want 85% on your follower (or whatever the highest roll you have is).

Zei’s + Power Hungry at >40 yards away (Zei’s rounds up to the nearest 10, so you get the full 50 yard bonus at >40 yards), but without Oculus, gives a 1.8*1.3 = 2.34x multiplier.

Oculus at 1 yard away (so you get the 10 yard Zei’s bonus) gives a 1.85*1.16 = 2.15x multiplier.

Oculus at 11 yards away (so you get the 20 yard Zei’s bonus) gives a 1.85*1.32 = 2.44x multiplier.

Oculus at 21 yards away (so you get the 30 yard Zei’s bonus) gives a 1.85*1.48 = 2.74x multiplier.

Oculus at 31 yards away (so you get the 40 yard Zei’s bonus and Power Hungry) gives a 1.85*1.64*1.3 = 3.94x multiplier.

Oculus at 41 yards away (so you get the 50 yard Zei’s bonus and Power Hungry) gives a 1.85*1.8*1.3 = 4.33x multiplier.

So you don’t want to stand in <10 yard Oculus (unless it overlaps with a purple ring), as that would be less damage than a full range Zei’s + Power Hungry. But a >10 yard Oculus gives a slightly bigger multiplier than Zei’s + Power Hungry, and a >20 yard Oculus gives a noticeably bigger multiplier. So don’t stand in the ones literally right on top of your primary target, but as long as it’s at least at a little bit of range, it’s worth hopping into.


D3 distances, for your reference


Thank you so much for the schooling,much appreciated. Tinne are you by any chance a teacher,you answered me exactly what I needed


Nope, thanks though!

My only teaching experience was a couple semesters running a lab section when I was a graduate student. I did enjoy it though!

Now I’m just a lab monkey.

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You can really feel the difference standing in an occy once you’ve played it a lot. It’s hugely beneficial.

Oculus almost always give you more damage, as tinne said. Bear in mind some other practical considerations as well:

  • if going into the oculus makes you drop squirts, then it’s a damage loss.
  • You lose time (ie meteor casts, ie dps) by walking/teleporting into the occy.

So do teleport into occys with tal rasha, on the edge furtherst away from your target, but only if you will keep squirts, and only if you tele in soon after the ring spawns. If you drop squirts, or if the occy de-spawns a couple seconds after you arrive, then it’s a damage loss.

Didn’t know you had a phd, but in retrospect it’s kindof obivous. :smiley:

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