Now they are being sued by California

Well if there ever is any it won’t be developed with government money. Currently it’s unsustainable and Impractical without government subsidy. Thorium salt reactors might be an interim solution but they won’t fund it. Pressurized water reactors turned out to be dirty bombs that go off randomly and rarely. Solar and wind will never meet our needs at least solar panels aren’t decimating the bird population. Cobalt and rare metals are a huge problem. There are answers but the politicians funding the research aren’t serious about finding them. NASA budgets are wasted on anti-science propaganda. We didn’t cause global warming and even if we had we couldn’t fix it.

Oh China just melted down a nuclear power plant in Guangdong province. Yippee!
They’ve had a rough couple of years.


The world’s scientific community would like to have a word with you.

Like, bruh. Stop clowning.


It’s necessary. I will caution that some of the worst sexual harassment in the country happens with the tacit approval of unions. They’ve got a spotty civil rights record too. So make sure what you’re paying for is what you’re getting.


The world’s scientific community is paid to say that and anyone who disagrees becomes unemployed. They’ve been predicting catastrophe since before 1900 and they’ve never produced a shred of evidence or an accurate prediction to back it up. The end of the world cults have been right exactly as many times as the climate scientists. We don’t even have a rudimentary climate computer model that can match the past much less predict the future. Believe what you want but don’t expect me to buy the swindle. I live a low impact life style for the most part because I’m cheap. I don’t fly private jets to climate conferences half a dozen times a year.

So how do we fix climate change and why haven’t we done any of it except waste money. Bueller? Bueller?


If you ask me, there ought to be a clause where consensual sex was involved. Because when sex stops being sacred or special, ennui ensues as “the bee’s knees” becomes just another sideshow. Awful trend, IMO.

I suppose hating people (but who should be proud of that?) counts as misogyny, sans the “prejudice” part.

As one profiler to another, we might as well add “athiest” to the list of problematic “red flags”?

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Probaly D3 will remain like this, but hopeing for, after this scandal, devs will finaly listen to the community. I’m also conserned about D2R, a slight delay may occure. But what about D4? There’s still work whit that one.

My wish is that the buisness men shut their mouth in regards of developent, and let devs work. Don’t rush a game because they want to swimm in our money, and we’re getting a $hit for it.

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On topic, Blizzard needs to get their house in order. Afterwards, I do wonder what the lawsuit means longterm for Blizzard in relation to the quality of their games. If I was a talented game designer/artist, I would think twice about joining Blizzard if I had multiple job offers.

I tried to resist responding and failed.

The establishment of the United States had competing interests between the more populous states who wanted representation on that and lesser populated stated who wanted to have an equal voice. Hence, the establishment of the House of Representatives (population-based representation) and he Senate (every state is equal with 2 votes).

The electoral college was another compromise. It is a flawed system in that 1 electoral vote represents far less people in low population states than in high population states.

The most significant flaw is not that or the electoral college itself. The most significant flaw is what occurs at the state level in that most states are winner take all.

As examples for every presidential election from 1996, millions and millions of voters relative to the presidential election did not have their vote represented due to most states using winner takes all (all Republican-voters in California who voted for the Republican candidate and all Texas voters who voted for the Democratic candidate).

Therefore, the main issue is how states apportion their electoral votes. It is not about the electoral college per se. There is a movement to change this apportionment broadly across many states.

My posts are being removed from this thread?

What’s going on?

I just wish it was a simple issue to fix, but it is not and it is not just at Blizzard as many people have said.

The question would be - do you even want to work in the industry? You don’t have to be female or a minority to be treated terribly.

Crunch culture, promoting friends instead of promoting for merit, etc. Poor pay but “passion” and “dream job” are supposed to make up for it.

It all is …less than optimal.

Short of unions I really don’t know how to change the industry and culture. I am not totally in favor of unions either - they can end up with too much power in some contexts and protect abusers. We have seen that too.


It’s under heavy moderation. Just wait a bit and keep on topic and everyone will be fine.

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You quoted someone who broke the forum code of conduct so your post got removed along with theirs. You did nothing specifically wrong :slight_smile:

Just stick to the main topic and related sub topics. Overall this thread has been respectful and a great discussion of the related economic and workplace factors.

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Thanks Mum! :rofl:

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I agree it is not simple to fix and what has happed is completely objectionable. There needs to be accountability.

I disagree with poor pay/passion/dream job comment. My wife and I both worked in arguably the most well-respected institution in our field. Financially, we were hemorrhaging money. When I brought this low pay issue up, I was told that you pay for this experience and if you did not take this job, 10 others will. That was a factual statement, because everyone was striving to be at the best of the best.

Having worked there, we were both able to leverage that experience and our training to get far higher paying positions and have progressed rapidly in our careers.

Now, I definitely am not equating the culture where I worked to Blizzard’s. They were very different. The field I work is exceptionally competitive where you are largely relying on yourself for success/failure. The early suffering was part of the process to demonstrate your steadfastness and ability to push through challenges. These challenges were about intellectual fortitude, putting in the time, being accountable. In contrast, what apparently happened at Blizzard too frequently was completely unacceptable morally.

Sorry. But the only people that think CRT teaches that one race is the cause if all the racism are white people. Because CRT does not do that nor is it something that is taught.


It was totally a compromise to ensure the southern states stayed in the founding of America. It’s totally not necessary any more.

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With all the stories about low wages etc. that has come long before the new stories, I wonder if Blizzard lost that recruitment strength years ago.

Yeah, this is not exactly only a Blizzard problem. And while crunch is a different issue, it is also completely insane.

That is not true. Wind energy is competitive without subsidies. As far as I know, solar has basically reached that point as well.
And heck, even if it was not, let’s not pretend classic energy sources haven’t been, and are, receiving massive subsidies, tax credits etc. It is a bit like the agriculture sector again. And so many others.
Gaming industry is receiving both subsidies, and massive tax credits, as well.

Was green energy tech developed with government money? Yeah, like so much other new significant technology in the world, governments play a central role, since the market just isn’t efficient enough on its own. One of the many aforementioned flaws.
Just like government is part of the solution for the issues Blizzard are struggling with too. They sure aren’t going to regulate themselves.


You’ll find about 45 states disagree

If it were there wouldn’t be so many abandoned wind farms. It’s the end of life costs that are the killer. Sure they make money when they’re operating, mostly. The problem is instead of removing them when they break down they just abandon them to whoever they leased the land from and file bankruptcy. Duke Energy is the only company solvent enough to be remotely capable of doing it right.
Subsidies for oil companies just means oil companies have the same problems. It also means the government is wasting even more money.

Green tech being developed with TAXPAYER money, the government has no money, is not the problem. It’s government corruption on an epic scale with green energy company cronies.


Well aware of the history behind it, but don’t agree with the above. The original compromise was struck and maintained, in part, to keep slaveholders happy, and to keep specific populations of people disenfranchised. The electoral college is outdated and anti-democratic. Here’s a good read on it from a few years ago;

You might also watch John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight segment on it.

They were trying to avoid the tyranny of the majority abusing the minority (oh the paradox) and it wasn’t just about slavery it was about everything. Freedom doesn’t exist under pure majority rule only conformity. It’s why we’re a republic not a democracy. The issue of slavery was solved at great cost but the aftermath lingers.