It’s the wrong approach, “patching” society in “rotation” isn’t a solution, take for example last year:
March: The month of teachers (or whatever)
April: The month of women
June: The month of lgbt
July: Black lives matter
November: Asian lives matter
Whoa wait, what happened ?, yeah, THAT is a problem, mustn’t allow polititians and society to “rotate” stuff in a semi/round-robin fashion… And the reason why it really happens is a thing I’d like to call “overmanagement”, and when things are overmanaged, then they’re 1000% mishandled (not only one mistake or overreaction leads to another, but also one mistake forces others to make up for it)
It’s simple guys, whilest it’s hard to “overgeneralize” stuff, it kinda boils down to few more general problems:
1 - no taxation on the rich, whilest it’s not the “magic wand” that will solve everything, (with time) will end up being the case
2 - “over/policing” mood and judging people by their behavior (as opposed to their action),… Here’s the very important part to understand: not everyone is born on a bed of roses, and more importantly - no matter what happens some will NEVER reach that, and the ironic part is that the very first step of fixing the problem is let those that suffer accept their suffer and stop preaching it, and EVEN MORE IRONICALLY, it’s what even started the whole notion of “PC culture” lol (and then later women organisations and other similar “victimised subgroups” abused it)
Whilest this is also what you don’t want to hear about, it’s a very necessary step to stop being manipulated by “breaking news” or “mood breakers”, and would probably focus on questioning on “was it right where we just went” as opposed to focusing/questioning on “where are we going” all the time… The sad part is that analysing and drawing conclusions, yet alone decisionmaking, becomes harder and harder… It takes one second to tell a lie, and about 30 to tell 5 of them, whilest may take days (or even months) to debunk them, hence why it’s VERY IMPORTANT to slow down everything and more analyse instead of “add up” on daily basis, and to add “insult to injury” media becomes more and more opinionated
3 - kinda related to the 2nd point but, again, my personal definition of politeness may kinda circle things up in a whole:
Politeness = ABSCENCE OF ACTION, where the only/most-obvious course to take is to claim superior victimhood or reaffirm superiority over the other
IDK if it’s the pessimist/cynic in me or whatever the issue, but really skeptical towards “movements for change” being pushed/powered by corporations and have all that “campaigned” in droves tbh… Just doesn’t feel right, it’s fake, no defence is (kinda) better than having a fake defence
So again, instead of “targeting” drunk workers that were probably/obviously overworked for their hours cause some section of that workforce suffered, perhaps better make a better research on what went wrong in a more general/generic matter
Again the point of: “rotating” society and/or “victim groups” in “patches”, will never solve things, whilst may or may not be late, “minimising focus on small changes and focus on causality” is always/usually the right take (which can be achieved if things aren’t all the time rushed)… Kinda feels like the good ol’ “if you bark on every tree on the road you’ll never get anywhere” is truer/holier than ever