Now that the D4 beta is over

Go figure that is exactly what happened. “As some might have suspected, the end-game beta test will conclude on 18 November.” - PureDiablo, 11/01/2022. No a big surprise for people who were paying attention.

They never said it would. Maybe they were looking for very specific things.

Not if they received what they were looking for. Maybe they will tell us how it went in the next blog.

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They’re coming for you Avalon. Better pack your s-it and get off the grid.


I gotta say, I’m looking forward to the blog.


The car is full of gas, plenty of food and water in the trunk and I just cleaned my shotgun.


Did you load it though?

First rule


Made sure the safety is OFF?

I’m right behind you.  


Well, I had a lot of fun.

I’m looking forward to next beta and release.

Don’t make this mistake. They didn’t reuse the D2R beta install folders, and even if they had it would have been prudent to just install fresh data since the game uses CASC and major patches always incrementally increase fragmentation within the CASC structure, so it’s best to just start a release with new contiguously arranged data.

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Good point. I like the idea of a clean install anyway.  

I figured they would at least run it through the weekend. My dad was like “I guess it ended, was playing it this morning, but now its not working.”.

Oh well. I think he had managed to get some decent play time at least. I have had friends that couldn’t even get the game to load up so they could even play it. Sadly.

As for the NDA. That still applies. In fact I daresay it will apply till the game launch, and may even still apply to things that were seen that later get changed too. Though at that point I doubt much would be done against it at that point.

So yeah, those that participated, don’t start posting stuff unless you don’t care about the consequences.

Yes, I did get to play, and submitted my feedback when I could. And that’s all I need to say, I won’t give any public feedback at this time, good or bad. Sadly I didn’t get much free time to play as much as I would have liked, and that should say enough.

Game on.

Or, at least until Open Beta.

This forum will be flooded when the open beta is up. Some people will be nitpicking everything to death.


Wouldn’t be the forum without someone complaining about something. I know that sounds horrible, but its the truth. lol

Highly doubt the NDA outlines that Blizzard has the right to claim damages for lost sales based on bad publicity caused by leaks. While that alone would be hard to prove in court, the beta testers would have to be absolute morons to sign that. At worst they’ll be blacklisted and wont be invited to another beta again.

Since Blizzard wrote the NDA, I highly doubt that the terms were not superr favorable to them while being potentially exceptionally harsh for D4 beta leakers.

  1. Many people likely hit accept without reading it.
  2. If you were not going to violate the NDA, the stated penalties would be irrelevamt.
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Yes. People are under NDA until that information is publicly released by Blizzard. Then, and only then, can they talk about it.

The Mods have been removing specific beta content from the forums and removing people from Beta for violating it. Of course, further penalties can happen as well.


I still see a few videos up on Youtube that are closed beta videos. One is in Russian and the other is video footage captured on Xbox. Sad, but I guess leaks will happen. The look at me crowd. A simple Youtube search will find them. The one content creator (the Russian one) has about 5-6 videos.

It’s not gonna be the same build of the game so you’ll have to download it again (or a huge update) anyway. Just uninstall it unless you don’t mind dead weight on your ssd lol

It’s not that easy to find some anon who posted on a throwaway account on reddit (and more likely than not, outside of the US jurisdiction). If Blizzard has such a method, I’m pretty sure the police would love to learn it from them.

Now, if it is a public figure like a streamer breaking the NDA, then they’re just stupid lol