"Nothing gets nerfed, only buffs since release"

Why do I get the feeling I’m gonna be very disappointed with the next patch…

I guess DHs aren’t allowed to have 2 class sets for pushing highier greater rifts. By pushing highier greater rifts I mean playing with your favourite build from start of the season and pushing the limits out of it, not joining the META bus just to be able to level up your legendary gems to 100-110 (or highier) rank without the need of having minimum 1500-2000 paragon…

Finally I can reach highier GRs using my favourite build, but I guess I’m not allowed to do that and all the joy is gonna be taken away from me. I solo all my GRs, don’t join META groups which makes me an outsider, so I guess I can forget about playing what I love the most if I want to clear highier greater rifts.

Too bad that you can’t have more than 1 class set to clear GR 100+ without the need of minimum 1200-1500 paragon, 95-110 caldesans and legendary gems at 90-100+ rank at least…

Finally UE Multishot is strong and you want to ruin it, cause of an item that makes wizards EVEN stronger?

I guess as a minority my word has no meaning and no one cares what I have to say.

Anyway as long as UE CC Multishot won’t get harmed I’m fine with any decissions for the future patch. It’s not like it’s crazy OP like current Archon build is.

On the other hand if the next patch will ruin this build (UE Multishot) than it’s farewell for me to any future Diablo games for PC which gonna be released in the future…

Yeah I know no one cares…