Not really a surprise

Quicky here!

Seems to me you all have an issue where you THINK or EXPECT women should look a certain perfect way and if they don’t - it’s wrong. (I mean I doubt any of you have even seen a woman irl)

  1. Everyone complaining about the Amazons face, Assassins face not looking like Kylie Jenner, and Sorcs body not being your “perfect” womanly form.
  2. Andariel apparently doesn’t look as sexy as you thought she did when you were using mommies computer.
  3. Charsi doesn’t have big ol’ bucklers on her chest so now you want to make what you wish you could, but you never will have in front of you in real life.

Cute! I would say grow up but we all know that won’t happen. Sexists.


I mean, I know you’re trying to be incendiary here based on your demeanor, but I only speak for myself when I say I would like for the characters to match what they did in D2.

I don’t care about the assassin, but I do think the Amazon’s voice doesn’t match her face. It’s not that she is “ugly” it’s that she is too old. It’s not sexist, nor racist, to want the characters to be closer to what they were in D2.

Nostalgia is why most of us are buying this game.


Eh. For the most part, characters are fine to me. Seems like more of a reflection of the world. However, since they are using original voice files, the Amazon is the only one that really seemed off to me.


Forum’s pretty dead, what’s a little identity politics late one night, lol.


Seems to me you are missing the point. Yes women and men come in all shapes and sizes and even some want to be the other. Some of us grew up playing this game and wanted a remaster as stated not a remake. We were told it is a remaster but they have censored some things. But over all I am satisfied with the over all game. In the game looks amazing. The models yes some of them look very different. I ask OP why you have a problem with them being as OG game? This is not a new game it is suppose to be a remaster. Now I know there are different times and a lot of puritan chaos going on. People think only their way is holy and only correct when there probably is about a dozen ways.


I mean…be better at trolling? really all I can say. You didn’t even get one little blue heart, you’ve gotta make the post more believable. No one is quite this dense. Wait, do you use twitter?


I have no issue with the message of the post, at least the idea of how some people have expressed views that could be racist or sexist, but you didn’t address an actual comment, instead made a new comment that addresses everyone.

Seems to me you all have an issue where you THINK or EXPECT women should look a certain perfect way and if they don’t - it’s wrong. (I mean I doubt any of you have even seen a woman irl)

I think it would have been better received if addressed to a specific topics comments, like the one addressing the looks of the models and not put into it’s own soap box.


You must be so beautiful any person on the face of this earth would be blessed to set their eyes on you. Literally we have to avert our eyes… as if all of us are somehow unworthy of your presence.


Oh, another thread about how bad current D2R models are. There are 2-3 threads every day on this topic. I mean only on Blizz forums. 2-3 more on reddit. And in some other places. People are saying this on twitch, on youtube, even on official Diablo twitter. Oh boy, can’t wait what is going to happen after the release. Cuz they are not fixing their mess. It is the same story as with W3:Refunded.

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No one mentioned Kylie Jenner? No ones asked for “perfection”?
There’s a lot of assumptions here.

The only thing ppl are asking for is that the amazon looks less manly than the barb. Which is not too much to ask for since the barb is actually a man and the amazon is a woman.

Or am I making a sexists comment by assuming genders?


Individuals like that should receive no attention whatsoever. They can’t help but project what is in a game/movie into real life. It’s a condition that needs to be evaluated by professionals and be treated accordingly.

I’m so sorry for you; I bet you watch Terminator and you are triggered because of the amount of manliness presented in the movie and the fact most men are far less imposing physically than the T800 . Maybe we should change the Barbarian to be roughly 100 lbs? It would be far more inclusive and less sexist as well. Afterall, men can’t all be expected to be 280 lbs of pure muscles, right?

No seriously, wake up sunshine. It’s a game, a fantasy world. Characters in such a creation are meant to be sexy, powerful, amazing and idealistic.


I totaly agree with you.

Why are video game characters not allowed to be good-looking or sexy anymore?


I hope you realise that Andariel is demon, a female monster who happens to have human like form… her brother is Duriel… do you want to put metal pants to him because you think somehow offensive???

People tend to find problems everywhere… it is just a game… there are only dirty minds, nothing else…

I personally DO want my video game women to be attractive, and my video game men to be muscular and powerful.

Why should we be celebrating ordinary in a world full of demons and horrors. You have to assume only the exceptional among them are capable of playing the role of hero. This means exceptional skill, speed, attributes, etc.

All of the weak, passive, and sensitive people would have been killed or fled. You get to have your silly opinions about strength, beauty, and sexuality because you live in a society that protects the weak. It’s what makes our world a safer place. Safe for the weak, ugly, and deformed to thrive and be happy just like the strong.

But this game is not reality. It is a fantasy world. A world where people like you would already be dead or enslaved. Only the strong can stand against the forces of evil. Need proof? Go check out the population of Tristram.


We all know why we just cannot say it on the forum.


The most ironical thing is that these “retrograde males” created original Diablo 2.


Most of them evolved, fortunately.

Can you actually prove that?


problem is that is how they modelled her in d2, not like a man-girl