Not getting credit for Years of War Conquest

I’ve been trying to do this as my third conquest. I did Firebird, Tals, Nats and Marauder, all immediately gave credit with no issue. But ever since the fourth one none I’ve tried are giving credit.

I did Might of the Earth, Vyrs, Shadows Mantle, all on their respective class and none of them are counting so I haven’t gotten credit for the conquest. Have tried with and without Ring of Royal Grandeur, nothing is working, it’s been going on a few days now.


Im having same issue except i raised DH first and completed his sets then raised wizard which gave me vyrs. It will not count firebirds.

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Having the same issue here with the Rathma set on my Necro - literally the last thing to do for my season and I just can’t get it done

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Probably because Necro sets aren’t in list. Only 3 sets for every orginal 6 classes from RoS count.
Those classes are:
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

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Same problem, I have ran Helltooth Harness set 5 times and it will not count it.

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Same issue, think blizz will get this fixed for the console before season ends? It seems to bug out after the 4th set.

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Same over here demon hunter sets all registered and 1st on witch doctor then the next 2 are bugged out so frustrating

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Confirming this is still busted on switch… I’m incredibly frustrated as this was the last conquest I needed to complete Season 28. This should be an easy fix Blizzard……

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I wonder why Diablo and blizzard are registering a blind eye and not responding. You’d think they’d at the very least makes us aware they are aware. Pretty pathetic when they won’t acknowledge paying customers.