Not a Please customer

Attempted to upgrade amulet over 30+ to ancient, failed. Complete a lot of level 100 rifts, no Primals. Beginning to think this game is rigged to favor people that spend.
Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong, but as a consumer I can choose what to spend my money on… and I won’t spend money on a game I believe is rigged.
(and since I noticed this in a previous season, I’m confident in my believe)

But make sure you stack the odds for the youtube streamers to give the customer an illusion that they can actually get Primals in a couple of hours, versus my 20+ hours of nothing

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You need to understand how RNG works. If something is a 10% chance that does NOT mean after 10 tries you’ll have one. In fact, on average, fewer than 7 players in 10 will have if after 10 tries. After 30 tries about 1 in 20 won’t have success. If get crazier for truly rare items like primal ancients. After 1200 drops it’s quite easy (that same 1 in 20 I mentioned above) of not getting one.

That’s just how the game is designed. It’s how ALL Blizzard games are designed. WoW, Diablo, etc. it really seems unfair but the flip side can happen. Monday, me – a scrub among scrubs – got 6 primal drops in a day, about 4 hours of play. Before I unlocked double primal in the altar.

But I’ve also failed to craft an ancient Hellfire over 70 times. And then today I got one on the 2nd try. That’s the way the RNG works. It’s frustrating, Blizzard should really put some sort of “grace factor” in. But now that D3 is in maintenance mode that’s highly unlikely.


Well, there’s really nothing you can spend money on in D3. You have the base game, the expansion and the necromancer. That’s it. And seeing as you have bought them all, you should be on even ground with everyone else if your theory is correct.


There is the 20 dollar digital deluxe upgrade (or what ever it’s called) that gives 3 extra characteristics.

It’s a general misconception that streamers and content creators get better odds in the game.
Everybody have streaks of poor luck and streaks of good luck. And because of the randomness built into the game some will be at the at the extreme ends of the statistics.

I’m not drowning in primals. With average playtime some days I get none, some days I get some. Last evening I just wanted to put together a Crusader Akkhan build because by playing DH and Wiz I had already a lot of the items needed. I upgraded about ten sovereign amulets from the jeweller in the Cube’s recipe three, and one of them came out as a Primal. A primal Glass of Rakoff. So instant salvage. I got an ordinary Akkhan amulet just by using the convert item recipe in the cube which is cheaper.

PS. I take it that when writing “upgrade an amulet to ancient” you really mean “reforge to ancient”? Most people will be happy just getting an ordinary amulet with perfect rolls. Mostly so that you can get elemental/crit/crit.


Welcome to D3. There are times the game really sucks. Then there are times you really love the game. Here is example where the game really sucks. I one time tried to change a stat on something. After 1 billion in gold spent. I still didn’t have the stat I wanted.

There are times when you really love the game. Where one time I got 3 primals from the cube in 15 mins. I would tried for more but I ran out of mats.

On my Non Season DH I have all primal, but one my Glove isn’t. It has taken me yrs to get all the primals. Yes the DH does have a primal Glove but it isn’t a really primal. So just keep trying you will get there. As they say Rome wasn’t built in one day.

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You’ll go through spurts.

I stopped playing this season not too long after completing the journey because my drop rates were atrocious. The only primal I ever received was the one you get when you unlock primals. I upgraded probably a good 30 puzzle rings to get an ancient and made I don’t remember how many hellfires to get an ancient. However, some seasons, I’ll make out like a complete bandit.


It also means: There’s a 90% chance you WON’T have one.  

But, let’s not forget that Blizzard weights certain aspects of the game.

  • Item drops.
  • Properties on items.
  • Property stats (and more).

And it changes every Season. It even changes during the Season.

I don’t believe in RNG, related to Blizzard games, anymore. I now refer to it as BNM. (Blizzard Number Manipulator).

Still, the result is: “You want the good stuff, you have to work for it.”  


Heh, I once spent 14 Billion, yes, billion, just to get a stat line to appear once on a piece of gear. It was the lowest value of the range, but that’s what it took just to make it appear.

I understand OP’s frustration, but there really is absolutely zero way to pay2win in this game (thank the high heavens) but RNG can be an absolute sand in the underpants experience.

@OP keep slayin them demons, shinies will drop eventually


Not being condescending I think OP could improve his season monk quite a bit by having a pair of ordinary Guardian’s bracers with elemental and crit and a half decent Squirt’s (if he can keep up the buff a good deal of the time) and also not using the Stricken gem unless hard pushing.

I don’t know how many times I have tried to roll one element on bracers, only to get 20% of each of the other elements multiple times before finally get 15% of the element I want. Now I will see 20% of each of the other elements several more times before getting 16-18% of the element I want. 20% of the element I want, ya, gonna take at least a billion per roll. I get this same :poop: happening when I want to roll a skill on a piece of gear.

At this point, I could see myself paying $20 to get a simple buyout option at the stupid mystic.


Some players think that Kadala and Myriam (and maybe even Urshi?) are in cahoots!
I try my best to humor them as best as possible… to little avail :smile:


This is one of the failed opportunities of D4. It should have been revealed that these 3 are the true Prime Evils. Maybe that will come in the expansion.

I can imagine the boss battle where you are re-rolling one stat over and over and over and over again trying to simply get 50% Crit damage. Is there anything more evil than this?


I’ve found that verbal obscenity, profanity, and vulgarity tends to work just about as well, and besides, they deserve it anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

there is literally video evidence to the contrary.

You can find “proof” of anything on youtube. That the earth is flat, the moon landing was fake, how to get cured for anything and so on.

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Where’s the evidence in that video? All I see are cherrypicked clips of good and bad drops which are then titled accordingly to show as “evidence”.


It’s the usual Bravata “evidence” :yawning_face:

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If you complain on the forum, blizzard employees might nerf drop rates on your account, as punishment.

But the good news for you is, blizzard doesn’t give the smallest of :poop: about this game anymore, and they won’t come up this forum, see your complaining and dole out punishment.

So you win! Sort of

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Some people get punished at the end of a shift for doing as they were told all day.

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