Normal Flail level 25 for Crusader

Hi, I’m playing Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition on Xbox Series X in adventure mode with the crusader and I can’t get the normal flail which requires level 25 experience in the weapon racks, i tried to go up with level 26 but nothing, then with level 27 but nothing and finally with level 28 but nothing! any of you playing crusader managed to get the normal flail in the weapon racks at what experience level? tell me about you, you managed to get the level 25 normal flail at what experience level? an answer and thanks!

At 70 level , can’t see no point in farming for items earlier.

And By the way;

Theres 8 of them, all of it drop just fine at max level.

Other than that, RNG is RNG.

Probably best spot for farming “common” items are Battlefields of Eternity in Act 5, a lot of racks there