Non-Seasonal Characters, Do you play them?

Well. I could be a minority I suppose. Best to listen to everyone and cater to the majority usually.

There must be something seriously wrong with you since you make such insulting accusations.

I have a non-seasonal of each class but have not actively played any of them in quite some time and when I did, it was merely for comparison. Seasonal have always proven to be more powerful, overall, although giving up their equipment and adding paragon has helped.

I might play non-season if I reach a point in the Journey where likelihood of completion is very lowā€¦ like the upcoming season 25, due to the selection of Conquestsā€¦ but I donā€™t plan on it. I figure I abandoned enough seasons so I can force my way through the Set Dungeons if needed, playing three or so characters.

I only play seasons. I get guardian on all 3 regions and hang around for a week or so after that and then move on to other games. I have no idea why I transfer over the gear from season, but it only takes a few minutes. I usually rebirth but I think Iā€™ll start making an army of Meteorblades on Eu region.

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But you are already a very good NS playerā€¦ as in you make No Sense.
You keep perpetuating this narritve of nerfs and buffs and bla bla bla. From ROS the trend has been up, any set build, any no set build is waaaaay stronger NOW than from ROS start. Only last 2 years they try to nerf a bit here and there because we have reached 150s for quite a while, a border that was soooo far out from ROS start that it was deemed unreachable, but guess what we mostly, mostly got buffs.
You keep spinning the story, but in truth you only want to troll around.


I never play NS toons unless they have been reborn into seasonal play.

There are 2 easy conquests for season 25 and the third is ā€œCursesā€ which is also easy but some people seem to have trouble with it. I do it solo with a Leap barb, or even easier with a DH. The key is the finding the ā€œCursed Peatā€ event in the Path of the Drowned. Thatā€™s the only chest to my knowledge that spawns enough monstersā€™ to complete the 350 kills.

Not on console. It is almost impossible due to lowered spawn rates. It can be done, but Iā€™m not interested in attempting 100 times as Cursed Peat is very difficult to get to begin with.

And the complete the campaign thingā€¦ not happening.

I donā€™t play Hardcore anymore but I suppose I could do the ā€œget to GR 45 with no setsā€ or whatever. Thatā€™s relatively easy.

Iā€™m not sure what the reason would be at this point. Youā€™d be playing the same game that has existed for 9 years. With seasons at least there is some new mechanics, gear changes, etc.

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Non season 4 the win here!


As someone who usually plays seasons to between P600-1200 only, but still wants to create a powerful build that I can play anytime I want in the future, sneaking in some effort in NS works well for me.

I normally donā€™t finish a fully ancient/primal setup in any given season and I have a tonne of partially leveled up gems in NS so it makes a lot of sense for me to spend my seasons targeting item slots that still require well rolled ancient/primal gear. Come end of season, Iā€™ll have a new ancient piece to add to me NS setup. Spending a bit of time upgrading gems in NS makes use of those partially leveled up gems for augments too.

Iā€™m basically playing a short term game and a long term one.

Non season main here. I get boosted on my barb every season to 1k so that I can zbarb for my buddies. I go back and fourth and follow the best exp path. The power of season decides
how much I play. With me approaching 9k it is becoming harder and harder for me to benefit
from season outside of playing zbarb.

I used to play a lot Diablo 3 classic when it was released. But, after sometime i got tired and diched the game. Before the whole paragon system. After a while, i started playing again casualy only on seasons. I play one season and then i stop playing when it endā€™s and come back after a few seasons. I played this last 24 season, started in the middle of the season, leveled a Monk and stoped playing. Might start a new toon on the 25 season. But i do not play non season at all nowdays.

I played non-season for a long time until this season because previous themes werenā€™t interesting enough for me.

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Non-season is my preferred stomping ground. I like to perfect my gear and I find there is better consistency with friends on non-season.

I play season from time-to-time. I end up behind the paragon curve until friends burn out and stop playing after 3-4 weeks. Some good buds will invite me to play as support, and when I finally catch up to a point of being an actual dps contributor ā€” there is even more fallout and mostly just people who solo left.

I cannot do the play 12 hours a day til burnout culture, that is why I prefer NS.

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Usually seasonal. Rarely playing non-season nowadays.

I play non-seasonals.

I mainly play the WD. I use non-seasonals to practice on other classes. I will sometimes do this after playing a challenge rift with a character/build I am unfamiliar with.

no, if the season itā€™s interesting, I delete my last character and make one for the new season. If not I move to next 4 month to see if the forward season itā€™s better.

This game is actually boring when you do the same all the time. I mean, you actually need just to get paragon and paragon to clear high rifts. Thereā€™s no intereaction with builds/sets that if you find something really weird will rize your build a lot, like near all RPGā€™s games, this game basically become from long time ago a hold my bot automatic farmingā€¦

Iā€™m asking myself why they dont make this game an automatic game like mobileā€™s games :thinking:

Season, if any. Itā€™s getting boring, so I tried to play with D3 data, rather than the game itself. Answered several questions I was interested in, and forgot that too.

As an advocate of the removal of seasons, I canā€™t really say a lot of the answers in this thread surprise me. People unwilling to throw away prior effort remains. Disdain for exclusive content continues. Limitations of character slots dissuade some from tinkering. Without exclusive rewards like a stash tab, interest can tank pretty hard. Meanwhile, the usual temptation for crossover boils down to, ā€œIs this theme fun?ā€ Which just circles back to my initial point and how the focus of content development should be for everyone and not just those who click a little checkbox every few months. Perhaps the only ā€œproā€ I didnā€™t see for seasons espoused was the garbage ā€œlevel playing fieldā€ narrative.

Aside from maybe helping a friend, I havenā€™t played NS in a long, long, long time and have probably skipped a season or two lately just because the ennui is real. Itā€™s all too obvious what mode Blizz wants us to play, while turning a blind eye to the stagnation of NS and possible steps to be taken to improve that experience. Some folks toughing it out despite that still isnā€™t indicative of good game health. It just means seasons fail them despite the bribes.

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