No reward in Echoing Nightmare if a party member leaves

When you start an Echoing Nightmare in a party, and one party members leaves the game, then there’s no reward chest after completing the Echoing Nightmare. I do not know if it happens only in a party of two (i.e. do you have to be left alone in a party of three or four).


I had that happen once about a few weeks ago. I don’t bother doing any of these topics. Because most of the time you have somebody telling you it isn’t a BUG!!! But you have prove that it does happen.

Because to me it is another glitch. In this game for these things like this to happen and I just live with it. When stuff like this happens I just move on. Now we see if anything is done about it.

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It must be a bug. But not one that seems to be adressed as it has been mentioned before in this forum.

And Davey; no reason to remind us how unfair you often feel you are treated in these forums. Cheer up :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Bug triggers every single time when someone leaves after starting the Nightmare, all it takes is to votekick some person.

No reward also means the portal will not close obv.