No reward for challenge rift 297

Is the title says I did the challenge rift ( 297 ) , got a 3 minute 45 second time well below the time, talk to the lady she said a big success, then went back to my adventure mode game went over to the podium and there’s nothing there tried all my other characters nothing there. Anyone else having this issue? This is on Nintendo switch

2 days later: instead of addressing the issue and getting ppl their rewards, they just upload a new challenge rift early. what a weak response, shame on bliz.

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Did this ever get fixed for you?

Stop changing date and time (aka stop cheating).

Can’t change my date or time as it’s synced to my internet? What does this have to do with cheating anyways?

Oh never mind. Don’t bother replying, you’re the weirdo who thinks num lock is cheating (I’m playing console but your thought process on the matter is flawed)

Why would you do that in Switch version? That you have to find out yourself. I don’t want to take a risk of breaking forum rules.