No icons showing stacks of momentum

Hi all,

Just wanted to mention that is really hard to play the new DH set without an icon showing you the stacks of momentum you have in the lower left corner just above your skills where all other active effects icons appear. Please fix this and make every buff of both new sets show up in there including their damage reductions just like with the rest.

Momentum stack is shown on the skill buttons:


I know but am so used to seeing them above there that I can’t pay attention when there is no timer on it and not in the same place. Also the damage reduction buffs do not show either

I see the toughness goes up while strafting. Toughness goes down 5 seconds after I stopped strafting. Also, if you mouse over the resistances on the sheet, you should see β€œβ€¦ + 59.96%” (<<< display rounding error).
I have removed other DR items. I.e. DR can only come from set(4) bonus.

So, I think the DR of the set works fine.