No cross platform would help more than hurt

Just my personal experience, I know it won’t change what they are doing but I just wanted to share. I know there is convince in being able to do it, but personally I would rather have a no cheat verizon of diablo 2 than any benefit from cross platform. If diablo 2 was ps5 server only, or switch those 2 server would be virtually cheat free compared to the pc version.

I shouldn’t use the words cross platform cause you can’t even play with other people from them, just load a saved game. So the bots,cheaters ect will just transfer all thier loot to switch and ps5.

Cross save literally has almost no benefits that out weigh the cheating. Sure it’s convenient to play on a switch, as for ps5 I am not sure why you would want to go from pc to ps5. If you have a ps5 that’s better than the pc you have then I don’t see why you would want to play on pc either, unless you run a cheat program on your pc, and switch back to ps5.

So I honestly hope, yes I know it won’t happen, that they remove cross saves that have no purpose other than enabling cheaters to have a bigger audience to sell too.

I would but a ps5 if they announced it would have it’s own diablo 2 server. As it stands now for me a ps5 is just a low end computer that can’t do gsync or 120hz 1440. If it had a non cheat able d2 server I would even pay the scalpers price to get my hands on one lol.


They are not making cheat version of diablo 2.


You can’t really say for sure that there will be cheats and if there is as a result of this there may be a greater incentive to address it I see nothing wrong at all…also with people on the move to different locations that might not have PC’s can still compete I guess which is nice imo

I can 100 percent say there will be cheats, name me one time a game launched on pc with zero cheats? Eso, ulitma online, wow, everquest, d2 original, swtor, swg, and many more. Especially since they working from the code that is there which is already full of cheats.

In what situation does some one move and lose thier pc but have a play station 5? I cannot come up with any situation where some one had a pc and ps5, than moved but no longer had a pc any more? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt tho and say that rare case is true. Those rare cases don’t negate the benefit of a ps5 or switch no cheat non cross server.

Half of those games literally have zero cheats. What on earth are you raving about? If someone wants to cheat in SINGLE PLAYER, let them cheat. Its hurting no one. As far as online cheats through battle net? i don’t see there being many with their new system they are using. There will always be bots, but cheats? no.

Yep pc is the cheat server, and as I already told you with many examples, ps5 would be the no cheat server if it wasn’t crossed with pc.

Star trek online is the easiest way to see the pc cheat server, and the ps4 no cheats. The price of the in game cash currency is 10 times more than on ps4 last I checked. It is true for every game ever released on pc and ps4 that has multiplayer economies.

Eso is another good one, when that first came out it had people teleporting all over. The ps4 server did not.

cross platform is also only for single player. Kind of making the argument pointless. Not to mention the insane cheats that entered D3 once it went to consoles making your statements about PC being the “cheat server” even more hilarious. :laughing: :laughing:


Nice didn’t know it was single player only, thought it was for everything.
Diablo 2: Resurrected will also support cross-progression on supported platforms, meaning you can take your character with you wherever you choose to play. This will work using, as players will just choose to create an online character that is then uploaded and synced to the player’s account.Feb 25, 2021

That doesn’t sound like single player only to me though, so where’s the link for single player only?

That says you have to have a online character.

No where do I read where it says single player only. The developers said the utter opposite.

And we say that there’s cross-progression because we want to make sure that you play on the device that you love, whether it be any of the consoles or the PC, so you can take that same character and go over and play," producer Matthew Cederquist added,

That’s saying he wants you to be able to take your character any where you go, not well you can only play single player.

You are confusing cross platform, I never meant that you can play with ps5 players on pc. According to that statement though you could run cheat programs on pc, bots, map hacks, ect then get all the loot, and transfer it to a ps5 with the online character. Meaning the people will be able to sell pc bot cheat loot on the ps5.

So if your done trying to call me hilarious where is your proof it’s single player only?

You must of made it up, because I find nothing to back up what your talking about. The more I look up the more it says you can transfer items between pc and ps5. The only thing d2 is, is a item gathering game.

Cross-progression basically means that Diablo 2: Resurrected and [Diablo 4] can play the exact same character/save on multiple platforms. The Blizzard version will link saves to your account so that you can save your game while playing upstairs on your Switch, then go down to the living room and pick up where you left off on your PlayStation, and then after saving the game there you could later load up that exact same save on your computer. These saves will be online saves — Resurrected will have both online and offline save options, so make sure you save the game you want to continue as an online one so other platforms can access it.

That again does not say single player only, it says can transfer characters from pc to ps5. Therefore you can cheat galore on pc, run 24 7 pindle bot, and then transfer everything to console.

Which is what this entire thing was about if you read, besides just saying I’m hilarious. If there was 0 cross progression or platform, you could not cheat on pc and then go to ps5.

Which unless you never played d2 trading in d2 is a huge part of the game, and having a ps5 only server would mean that every one wasn’t cheating making it a better for me server, because I hate cheaters. They always lead to real money transaction which just ruin the entire game, and encourage people to enslave others to mine the game if the game is profitable enough, in d2 case though it’s prolly easier to just cheat and bot than have chinese prisoners do pindle runs.

Either way d2 still has a black market, and in it’s hay day people were making 10000 plus a month off doing it. If they released a ps5 only server, a botd would be 1 hr on the ps5 server, on pc it would be 60. So there for on pc the only way to keep up with that is buy hrs from bot cheaters, or get extremely lucky and find a good item that sells for alot and then try to buy low and sell high.

Vs ps5 would be u could play normal, and still have a means to trade, and buy good stuff with out trying to buy from bots, or get lucky. I am starting to think not many of you actually even played diablo 2, and understood the economy of it.

i believe they talk about it in the D2R deep dive. There is no cross-platform play. only crossplatform saving of your single player files. thats it. I was actually kind of disappointed because i thought it WAS crossplatform play as you also thought. So no, you’re good man. no worries.

They said that PERHAPS after the game launch, they can insert cross-platform play. But I think things like that take more time, so will not come at launch.

I didn’t think it was cross play, I think it is what all those websites say it is, you can cheat on pc and go to ps5 with all your loot. Vs what I want which is a ps5 only server, that no one can get on unless they have a ps5, which would negate all cheating on the ps5 server.

Which would translate into not having 1000000000000000 high runes. I wish you were right, I would go buy a ps5 right now.

In an ideal world, all players from all platforms can play with all the world without cheats.

But, we know that ideal worlds are long from the harsh reality.

I also know that the ps5 will brick it self if you are caught cheating, so I guarantee if their was a ps5 only server there would be no cheating. Therefore ps5 would be the server to go to, to avoid the cheaters, the cheaters , botters, and real money traction people could cheat and sell thier virtual stuff to each other on the pc.

As it stands now, all it’s gonna be is pc cheaters going to ps5, and selling those people high runes for what ever the going rate will be, and ruining that economy too. It will also make it so ps5 runes will cost more, because there’s a higher risk involved in doing it. I guarantee all this stuff is gonna happen if d2 is popular.

Maybe d2 won’t be popular, only a tiny portion of people will play it, and there won’t even be enough people to trade anyways let alone sell stuff.

Players can make multiple accounts on PS.

no. you can’t. Only in single player. There is no cross platform play. you cannot play a character on on PC and go to the PS4-5 or visa versa.

also a Playstation, xbox ARE PC’s. genius. Good lord are you special? consoles = pc’s with a specific OS other than windows. Thats why its easy to save characters for both. so how would cheating be ANY different on either machine? lmfao. You’re so lost kid and have no idea what you’re talking about.

its also easier to hack games via consoles because the game files are saved directly onto the machine VS PC where D2R will be via a server with only partial files on your computer. So its actually HARDER to hack/cheat via PC/windows than Playstation or xbox. Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about on so many levels.

The cross progression will be online only. via

PS5 has high end spec than 95% of people’s PC. It can support 120hz at 4K. Also, games on PS5 has been specifically optimized so that they run fluently.

Any people here, if you are using normal HDMI cable instead of HDMI 2.1 cable then the video quality is lower than what PS5 can support.

And people play PC and PS5 because of the different feeling and different exclusive games, not because of spec…

Yourself are wrong in so many ways.

  1. Cross progression is for online play, not offline. Offline is just copying of save file which I can do without their support.

  2. To run bots you need to run an application on the Operating System. It is so easy to do so on Windows. Just tell me, how do you write an application to run on PS5 without publishing to Playstation Store or jailbreak PS5?

  3. D2R will save online character profile online. Don’t use D3 as example. We all agree D3 is a different game right?


None of what you said is even close to reality, I honestly can’t even dignify a response. So I’ll just try to give you basic things, maybe you can understand. The ps5 is a closed environment, it is not easier to hack. Ps5 will brick itself if you get caught cheating and make it useless. Consoles do not store a online sever code on the console that isn’t even close to reality. Everything you wrote is legitimately nonsense. I don’t even know how you could even remote consider me special, after writing all that misinformation and garbage. Literally nothing you wrote is reality.

I don’t think I have ever encountered such levels of ignorance as yours, while trying to make fun of some one, and being so wrong. I mean this is up thier with the flat earth people.

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I think some people are misunderstanding the concept of Cross-Progression vs Cross-Play, and the concept of cheats and bots.

  • Cross-Progression is the ability to play the same character on multiple platforms. All of your progress (gear/levels) will transfer between platforms. When you find a Shako on PC, then log on to PlayStation, your Shako will be right where you left it.

  • Cross-Play means that players on PC can play in the same game as players on PlayStation at the same time.

  • Cheats are modifying game files, adding items with a character editor, adding properties to items that can’t naturally be rolled.

  • Bots are applications that run alongside the game and use various forms of human-like interaction to play the game automatically.

Cross-Progression is supposed to be available on release. Cross-Play has the potential to be possible later down the road.

Cheats will not work on Closed B-Net characters because we do not have access to the game files that would be modified to begin with.

Bots will work on Closed B-Net because they are programs that simulate human interaction, and have varying levels of detectability.

If you run a bot on PC on a Cross-Progression enabled character (I assume all B-Net characters will have this feature enabled), find a bunch of items, or trade for items, or buy them from your friend or some shmuck on the internet, they will be available on your account no matter which device you use to log in.

Thus, the OP is concerned that the PS5 and Switch communities will be flooded with items found by bots ran on PCs and wants the servers to remain separate because the level of sophistication required to run a bot on PS5 or Nintendo Switch is much higher than what is required to run a bot on PC.