No ancient Guardian bracers after 450 crafted

On my SSF Necro season character i crafted 450 bracers from the guardian set and not a single one was ancient. There is no way that is just bad luck

Yes it is.


Bad RNG is not a bug.

If it was a bug, it would affect everyone.


If accurate in the 450 claim, the odds of that happening is

1 in ~389,000,000 000,000,000,000

Edit for keeping these words. Just in case the other thread gets 404.

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I have hard time believing itā€™s whopping 450 attempts without an ancient. But even if it is, itā€™s still just bad luck. A really extreme case of bad luck but nothing indicating somethingā€™s broken.

The normal distribution curve has its extreme ends. Being at one of the ends is perfectly normal.

yh your rightā€¦ but if im not mistaken the chances for an event like mine are 0.9^450 which is a number that is ridiculous. so im pretty sure its not bad RNG, otherwise i should maybe play the lottery today

Im at 550 now btw. without an ancientā€¦

Yeah, the claim is suspect.

People tend to have an unconscious bias when counting random events. I know Iā€™ve have, especially if Iā€™m getting frustrated.

Like when people say they killed Chiltara 300 times with no GG. Itā€™s highly unlikely they were counting from the very first kill, or counting at all. Then, when frustrated, the estimate is unconsciously inflated to make the complaint more poignant.

Are you crafting the correct Guardian bracers? There is the low level bracers as well.

The chance of going 450 crafts without getting a single ancient is about 1 in 400 quintillion. Thatā€™s an astronomically improbable chance.

OP is either a) exaggerating or b) crafting low level Guardian bracers which cannot roll as ancient.


Yes, but you get to the point where the extremes are so improbable that they become, for all practical purposes when occurring in finite populations, impossible.

If every single person on Earth played D3 and rolled 450 bracers, itā€™s still essentially impossible for even a single person to do 450 crafts without an ancient.

If there were billions of Earths, each with 8 billion people each, and every single one of those people rolled 450 bracers, itā€™s still pretty likely that none of those people would have rolled 450 bracers without an ancient.

Thereā€™s small chances. Then thereā€™s really small chances. Then thereā€™s improbably small chances. Then thereā€™s astronomically, impossibly small chances. This is one of those.

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Are you sure you are crafting the level 70 bracers? There is a lower level one that cannot roll ancient. You should double check that before you waste anymore mats.


Got to be the low level one, thatā€™s becoming statistically impossible.


Yes, weā€™re pretty sure this is what was happening. (Everything is Level Requirement: 1. Got to read the descriptions).

As you can see from the screenshot embedded above, @BlackSpiirit crafted the Guardianā€™s Aversion shortly after @TinneOnnMuin posted:

Thereā€™s no reason to continue this discussion.


Oh shoot I thought you were just linking ā€˜hey this is the correct item, do you have this?ā€™ not the personā€™s profile in question thatā€™s showing the correct item.

Obviously not a discussion in a bug report, but these two sets shouldnā€™t be so similar, every other setā€™s lower version does something else to differentiate it so this one is probably confusing to players.

But clearly thatā€™s feedback and not a bug so will end convo.

No. Itā€™s showing the CORRECT item. You can even see that it is an ANCIENT Level 70 Required Guardianā€™s Aversion, which is what this thread is about.

The Guardianā€™s Deflector is the Level Required: 55 Bracers.

Since @BlackSpiirit now has the CORRECT Bracers, this ā€œBug Reportā€ is solved.


Gotcha, my mistake good to know. So the Deflector is completely different nevermind what I said! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: