No Altar of Rite

I have run into this bug as well. I have tried installing the PTR software to no avail. I updated to the latest patch, even restarted my PC but nothing. Every time I try to start the game logging into the PTR server I get a message saying that a patch is available and the game will restart to install it. Nothing, nada, zero happens. Help or suggestions are appreciated.

There is NO current PTR running. The PTR server is currently shut down. (PTR = Public Test Realm).

According to your Armory Profile:

You DO NOT have any Seasonal Characters.

The Altar of Rites is Season 28 only.


okay, so do I need to create a new character for the adventure mode?

You do not necessarily need to create a new seasonal character–you can rebirth one of your existing characters for seasonal play.


Thanks, will try that one too, sa faar with a new charecter there is only Myriam the Mystic where the altar is supposed to be. This is in campaign mode, will try both the adventure mode and the rebirth thing

Alter of Rites is only available in S28 Adventure Mode.


I did not mention Adventure Mode because it is assumed for Seasons.

Season Objectives cannot be completed in Campaign Mode: Bounties, Rifts, Kanai’s Cube, etc.

There are few exceptions when you might want to switch to Campaign Mode during a Season. But, the majority of the Journey Objectives can only be done in Adventure Mode.

You can track your Season Journey progression on this website: D3 Resource, Season Journey Tracker