Next step up from Tal Rasha?

Hi there! So my SC wizard can generally do a t11 or so but it can take a while and gets a little dicey if the wrong mobs show up. What are your suggestions for upgrading the build or finding a new build that can take on the higher levels?

If you want a build that can take on higher levels, Vyrs can do that. You do need to learn how to play it, but once learned, 100 is on fairly easy reach.

What? Tal Rasha should be able to do at least T13 with almost everything you whip together, as long as you keep up the stacks, have a decent weapon and use Halo of Karini for protection.

Without looking at your char, let me give you an example - let’s us a highly mobile TR Meteor/Channel variant (doing this with a leveled LoD gem is way better in the end, but since you need to level it, you will be better off with TR for the time being and TR does not even require ancients to deal full damage)…

Now, let’s see - you need this:

TR Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Belt (and Necklace without RoRG)
Weapon: Deathwish/Aetherwalker (one in cube, the other equipped)
Offhand: Etched Sigil
Other items:
Mantle of Channeling, Nilfurs Boots, Ashnagars Bracer
RoRG and Unity or CoE (replace TR Amulet with Squirt Necklace)
Alternatives: Focus & Restraint or Unity/CoE
Cube Armor: Hergbrash belt
Cube Ring: Halo of Karini
Leg. Gems: I recommed Bane o/t Trapped, Taeguk and Zei

Focus/Restraint requires casting a Signature skill, so that would need a change in the skill section and a bit of an awkward play style, so I won’t recommend to use those rings. Unless you ignore the signature part, then you’d gain a flat 65% buff from perma-casting spenders. But now that we have Squirts, it would be wiser to use a RoRG and wear Squirts instead of TR amulet. That’s even better than playing with Endless Walk because you still have an open second ring.

Teleport, Calamity
Ray of Frost (or a cold signature skill if you dare using F&R)
MW, Deflection
Storm Armor, PotS
LMB: Meteor, Thundercrash
RMB: Disintegrate, Convergence

Unstable Anomaly, Galvanizing Ward, Blur (or a dps passive)
Take Astral Presence as your forth if necessary to maintain Arcane Power since AP directly translates to mobility with this build. Otherwise use whatever you see fit (Dominance, Unwavering Will, Audacity, Power Hungry)…

First cast all elements to get TR stacks up. Afterwards just hold down RMB to perma channel channel DI and hop around by hitting Teleport. This will let you keep up the TR stacks without effort (Calamity and Convergence)… if you want to stand still (boss fights), then you can alternate the channel (you keep pressing the RMB for DI and hold down the button for RoF from time to time.

The benefit is, that you gain a strong shield that won’t run dry unless you take a ton of damage. That’s the reason to wear ABB since it doubles your shields and using MW/Deflection will permanently regenerate a portion of the total shield value since you are channeling. As your shield won’t run out you won’t take damage and that means Squirts will be up almost all time. This justifies using RoRG because it literally means a 100% dps boost for you.

You will likely need one or two RCR affixes (Shoulders, Source) and/or APoC on source for this. Hergbrash is very usefull to counter the insane AP consumption of Disintegrate, as you need your Arcane Power to Teleport around.