Next season planning question

Hi yall…
I am thinking to have a go at the Ethereal hunt next season… Which make me wonder, should I fire an Hardcore or Softcore character (got lots of time in both game mode)…

So… while this a totally subjective personal choice, there is one bit of objective info one can help me with…

Is the game quite stable now?
A few month ago it had occasional freeze and crash every few days and, hence, was not ready for hardcore as I see it!
Just curious whether it’s good now or not?!

Nope. The freezing issue is still happening and the thread about it has now been open for over a year, with the last Blizzard post in the thread being many months ago…

Quite frankly, as this issue is still happening, I have no idea why people are willing to even attempt hardcore heroes in the full knowledge that tens / hundreds / thousands of hours of play-time could be wiped out in 5 seconds of freezing caused by a bug that Blizzard haven’t fixed in a year.


Thanks, good to know!
Oh well softcore it is then!

The freezing issue can be avoided for the most part for many of us if you turn the sound channels all the way down. Yeah, it’s a terrible solution, but it works.

Still not sure why it hasn’t been fixed yet though. For a game that’s been out this long… And now we have the 10017 issue occurring.

Because they can’t nerf anything to make the freezing issue to stop. :laughing:

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Maybe this is mainly on Americas? I played HC on Europe up to P800 or so, GR99, and the only time I got killed was my own fault.

It’s a client side situation. Not everyone has it apparently, but the freezing occurs on your end, not Blizzards.

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Yes, I agree. I have 3 computers that I sometimes play D3 on. 2 of them have random freeze issues, while the 3rd doesn’t, even though all are on the same LAN, and are loading the same account on Battlenet. (not at once of course, just whichever is close by for what I’m doing in RL) So, I only play HC on that 3rd comp.

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I confirm, do NOT play hardcore these days (RIP my beloved wizard :frowning:)

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I had some lags on the EU server, nothing crazy tho, and it usualy stops after an hour or so.

Well S24 has the easiest conquests. They don’t take much planning other than

  • gear a fast-hitting class for Curses
  • level a LoD to 65, then remove all your same-set pieces and do a GR45.

3 conquests done at the snap of a finger, don’t even need to bother with Boss Mode.