Newbie: Does Alt+F4 work in HC?

Assuming I have a good network. If I think I am about to die and Alt+F4 fast enough at my end, is there a server side delay of X seconds before I am out of the game? Thanks.

Yet, there is a catch… If you are in windowed mode (as in not in fullscreen mode), there is a slight delay. So, if you are in windowed mode, there are no guarantees that your character will have exited in time.

What I have seen with alt-f4 while in windowed mode is that your character may die and end up as an invisible character in the channel/game select screen.

All that I can suggest is that if you do play windowed mode, do use alt-f4 as early as possible and do not wait 'til your life is like hella-low.

One last cautionary note, leaving and joining games quickly may lead to a restriction being placed on your account and/or cdkey. I highly suggest that you not use alt-f4 too many times within a very short amount of time and to use it sparingly within a period of an hour or two.

That’s all I may know about that.

:alien: :dolphin: