New Wizard set, autocasting spells

I have tested the new set and seen some of my spells being cast whithout me casting them, it has occured several times in Greater Rifts unfortunatly I haven’t been able to figure out how.
I haven’t the Etched Sigil as an offhand nor have it cubed and yet sometimes while channeling arcane torrent my black hole spell is cast or even a hydra being summoned.
On some occassions I had three hydras up. Not sure if all three made damage though. After manually casting hydra twice it got corrected.
I have cubed the new wand property and the armor headpiece, (not playing season 20)

Its the Etched Signal casting an arcane spell as part of its legendary power, just figured it out…

Just read that you are not using the Etched Sigil, that was my bad for skimming the post, only other thing I can think of bar a bug is if you are using the splinter teleport rune, this will cause your clones to cast you skills without the multipliers.

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