New Sader set changes at Blizzcon PTR

No further changes. Not sure what to think about the 2-set bonus tbh.

My first comments about this AoV.

Damn! this set is SOO strong, as we imagined. I am shredding.

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Gah, stupid work. Are you hitting with FoH? HF? Both? What GR are you running?

Perhaps finally we are allowed to reach 150 too, as well Monks, Wizards, Necros, Barbs and DHs. Let’s hope :blush:

SO MUCH FUN lol. Just using normal six piece set (no ancients) with fate of the fell, eberli charo shield, khassan belt, unity, travelers set (all primals lol) with darklight and aqulia cubed. Then zei, trapped and gogok.

Wish this website had a feature that allowed you to view others profiles and builds… hah

I’m stuck at work, I implore you to let me live through you for the next few hours.

How does the 2pc actually work?

I’m shooting for GR140, pure HF block build. came close a few times. i’ll be getting it soon.

dont shoot too high man we dont want it to be HOT-Nerfed for S19 …

140 cleared in 11m 16s by Darkpatator.

Gear is apparently pretty bad and only 4-5 augments.

They probably have to nerf before the season starts, we knew it was overpowered when we saw the changes.

I mean it’s that or the barbs will not leave us alone.

I play both and won’t ask for a nerf, Crusader hasn’t had a day in the sun in ages either.

So, now it’s live and it’s op as hell! what’s wrong with my math? Now they will lower the 6 piece AOV 20,000 % to 4000 % and I have to use a pure LoD Foth build as I posted above. They destroyed the wonderful PTR foth gameplay which just need a bit more juice! Why not 2 sets? One for Foth and one for any HF builds? Easy to balance and everyone is happy!

Yeah, but not like this, I mean I’m happy for buffs, but if it’s going to end up passing every other build out there, only to have it nerfed later on, then I’d rather have it nerfed quickly.

If their goal was 140,then I think they overshot it a bit.

If it goes 140 that’s fine, what are we at 145+ live? Or are you being an alarmist?

Also I want to emphasize on the change from being a foth only set to only having foth only buffing hf.

This is lost if the damage is so superior on one skill. Now don’t get me wrong, a foth only build is still very potent on this, and had it been balanced, then a foth blessed ground combo would have been possible. So you could use both skills equally (the itemization allows it)

This set though lost some of its flavour when losing foth as a damage dealer.

I’m just saying, give dark some time, he’ll get there.

To hell with that idiot. If he cries OP we know for certain that he’s only interested in seeing Wiz at the top.

You may think that’s harsh, but we’re talking about a guy who actively obfuscated wizard power but couldn’t wait to talk up how strong WoTW was to try and get it nerfed.

On topic if AoV is as strong as post Nerf wizard would that actually be bad???

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If everything else is brought down to match the same power level then yes, it’s bad.

Had they not actively tried to nerf wiz and such, then it would have been a different story.

If they hadn’t, then it would have been a race to bring everything up to wiz level, but you if anyone should know how long that could take.

Right, but wiz isn’t nerfed to 140. It was an estimated 3-4 gr hit, and they were 145+.

Well, we’ll see, if it’s like this for a future, then as I said, a certain community will explode.

Anyway, too tired now to worry, I’ll try this after some sleep.