New Q about Kadala

Can she give The Ninth Cirri Satchel?
I’m well aware of RNGRNGRNG. I’ve gotten every other quiver in the game, some of them over 10 times. But so far no 9th. So can she give it at all?

Are the probabilities of different quivers for example that different? Do some have significant higher % ?

Kadala can give any legendary item (in respective category you are gambling) that is not:

  • a craftable item (eg. Cpt Crimson set, Hellfire Amulet)
  • a bounty-specific legendary (eg. Ring of Royal Grandeur, Gloves of Worship)
  • an area-specific item (eg. Horadric hamburger)

Thanks. Just wanted to make sure.

And do you know if different legendaries in a single category (quiver, belt,…) might have different probabilities?

What is that?
EDIT: Did a search, that thing actually exists. I thought you were kidding. :smiley:

As far as I remember, Cube and Kadala have different weight of occurrence per item. A specific Legendary item can be really common for a single class to gather from the Cube upgrades, especially if Legendary/Set loot table for that item is really small for that said class; while it could differ for landing the same item from Kadala.

I have no idea if that changed along the years, but if you search the web, you should find some Excel sheets from a decade ago or so to give you an idea. Actually your best bet is hitting up medium Greater Rifts repeatedly around tier 80-90 and Visions in high Torment, if possible. It hardly worth wasting material for an early drop at most occasions.

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Or a pigsticker.


You know, if you spelled out “Question”, you wouldn’t have to type “15chars”. (Spaces count).

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Q u e s t i o n   a b o u t   K a d a l a

My Demon Hunter   Junk   Fast Food build for Speed Farming:



Not there yet. :smiley:
And the maxroll “guide” says that getting 9th from Kadala should be my highest prio now. :o

I first wrote Q about Kadala and when I couldn’t post I took the lazy route and just added the last part.
So I was 1 char short … :o :wink: :smiley:


I’ll tell you how it went for me this Season because I need to rant a little. I’ve been playing Witch Doctor with starter Mundunugu Set for 20 hours and I haven’t seen any Lakumba’s bracers or The Barber. I have played 3-4 more hours in one sitting with no luck and frustrated that I can not do anything in the game at all. Tried Kadala, upgrading rares with very limited materials I have, it didn’t work.
Without Lakumba’s and Barber, I was bound to get smeared into dirt at Visions by a flock of Champions and triplet of Rift Guardians at T16. When I drop difficulty down, the drop rates suffered, so I could not take it either.

Tomorrow, I just wanted to kill some time and ease my mind so I decided to hit up a few Greater Rifts. After finishing the first one, Lakumba’s dropped; finished the second one and yes, Barber dropped. I was planning to try HT Firebats later, so even Bakuli belt appeared with the second clear. I just hit GR78-79 at that day, so I suggest you to keep farming the closest to GR90 when you failed to find anything.

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Kadala has the Quiver in question. And yes, she should give it out here and there.

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Look, I use guides all the time for games. And for D3 specifically, I use Maxroll almost exclusively. I really like their content and I put a lot of stock into it. I can’t be arsed to remember the intricate ins and outs of each season, I often forget exactly which part of Act 1 cathedral the mushroom spawns on (it’s level 1 btw, in a “square corner” room if that makes sense), the list goes on.

And as I said, for other games, I also rely on guides quite heavily. I’m a big fan of Smogon when it comes to competitive battling in Pokemon - no, I can’t “rely” on people obeying “sleep clause” or whatever other house rules they use for their meta builds, but I CAN rely on them generally providing templates for the meta, if not exact carbon copies. Because you can bet your bulbasaur people are just going to take “what’s Smogon say?” and apply it as gospel. So if Smogon thinks something’s busted, there are people that are going to either use it themselves, or specifically design teams to counter what Smogon says. They’re VERY influential on the meta environment, whether people want to admit it or not. So I study up on it when I play Pokemon, because it’s worth knowing your enemy.

But having said all that… they’re just guides, dude.

Literally, just suggestions. At the end of the day, you’re supposed to PLAY these games. Presumably for fun! If you let yourself get caught up too much on “being optimal” then you risk draining the life out of the party. (unless of course your idea of “what constitutes fun” actually IS that kind of thing, in which case there’s your blueprint for success in a one-stop-shop fashion, I guess)

I’d worry far less about “what does resource X say about me and what I ‘should do’ regarding my characters,” and far more about what YOU want to do with your characters. Me? I hate being squishy. So I incorporate Unity + immortality relics into ALL of my builds, ALL of my characters. That usually means giving up CoE and possibly even passing up on Squirt’s (unless I’m playing Wizards with tons of shields or something). Does my damage suffer? OF COURSE my damage suffers! Do I care? Not really!

Maxroll, if taken as literal gospel, would have us believe necro’s are the only class “worthwhile” for virtually every single season, and that there’s really only TWO viable necklaces in the entire game (Squirt’s, and Haunted Visions), and that the only reason to play in the first place is to push GR’s. It’s very one-dimensional but if your goal IS to push GR’s, the advice tends to be solid.

I’m just saying, to make a short story long: you get to set your own goals in life. Make them happy ones.

I’m well aware of that, dude. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Now you need to remember/know where I’m coming from: This DH is my second d3 char in over 10 years. Played a necro last season and when Season Journey Slayer became a brick wall (yes, Slayer!) I stopped for the season. If you check out the equipment I was using, I proise you, tears will roll down your face. Which will turn into blood. It’s that bad.
You need to have some sort of understanding to equip your hero, otherwise they will suck so hard there won’t be any progress in any direction. For you folks who have played the last years, this knowledge is there, even if you don’t remember all the small details. For me, Slayer was a challenge.
I’ve watched the EN vid on maxroll and I have ZERO idea how this is supposed to work with my equipment and game knowledge. (I’ll start another thread when I’m about to tackle that obstacle).

I’v been playing d2 since it was released and I’m well aware that maxroll does have (severe) shortcomings. But the alternatives are worse. So I always take things with a spoonful of salt. And in d2 I have played underpowered fun builds on purpose, cuz I know that game and know how to do it.
D3? I was struggling at easy peasy stuff (Slayer!!!) with an über-class (Necro) because I was too newbie.

fire away! I can take it.

Oh, you already did.



Actually, you ended up typing more than if you had spelled out “Question”.

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Q   a b o u t   K a d a l a   1 5 c h a r s

No problem. Just sayin’

I’m sure everyone knows about Maxroll’s Kadala Gamble Calculator.

I like using it because it shows which Class(es) have the best chance to get specific items from Kadala and from upgrading Level 70 Rare items in Kanai’s Cube. It also shows the minimum Item Level. That way, I know what Character Level I need to be to start gambling that particular item.


As others have said yes. Any legendary that comes as a drop will eventually come from Kadala. She won’t have bounty bag legendaries or blacksmith craftable legendaries.

Yes. Some are weighted heavier than others. They intentionally made some harder to get to extend the loot hunt.

k, since you got Nak’s Lakumba rant now you get mine:

I push every season to get on the Conquest and Achievement LBs. Planned on playing WD and DH for 6 GR 55s and 8 set dungeons. Started as WD on regular SC. Got to 70 and went LoD, so I could save my Haedrigs free set for leveling my DH on regular HC.

Lakumba’s is a required piece for a WD for pretty much any serious build, so I targeted that first. Hit the wall at T6. Didn’t die too often in bounties or GRs, but in Visions I was just throwing corpses at monsters.

After 8 hours of painful grinding and hundreds of bracers, I finally got my Lakumbas. Over 10,000 shards spent and over 2000 dbs burnt upgrading rares. It took me less time to gear 8 characters and do the 8 set dungeons than it took me to get 1 piece of gear.

Now, got to the point where I had to gear my regular HC WD. Had 5 set pieces of Zuni I got from my DH. Leveled my WD to 70. Had over 1000 shards from my DH. Literally, the first gamble from Kadala was a Lakumbas. RNG = RNG sadly.

Moral of the story:
Diablo is a punk
Malthael is a drama queen
Kadala is the true prime evil

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Yeah, I totally knew about that one! Really. My question, if diff items have different probabilities was just to test you guys. Really.

Hey! I gave permission to naksiloth. Not you! How dare you!
How rude!

:wink: :wink:

Diablo has come back from the dead. Repeatedly. And I expect him to show up in d4 sooner or later as well.
But can angels be reborn? Or are they gone for good?

If you’re still in the early game, a Emmenie’s Duffel and Leonine Bow will get you to the same relative space as NCS (as far as being able to farm up a NCS). Anyway, every season has its own quarks for me. I’ve had seasons where I was nearly paragon 1000 before my first Dawn dropped. Other Seasons, NCS might be the own that plays hard to get.

On the other hand, there’s been Seasons when I’ve got a primal Yang’s and DML with in 5 reforges when first using the cube to reforge legendaries.

Anyway, it isn’t out of the ordinary for one item or another to not drop when you’d expect it to be dropping on the time.

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RNG is a thing, sure, I didn’t find the Sweeping Wind Stacks belt last season.

That said, if you just run visions and rifts like a religion, regardless of your level, you should find tons of items. I tend to struggle a wee bit with the altar but if your first priority is auto loot salvage, the process becomes extremely convenient.

GR 90 is simply mentioned because at that point you get all 10 items per guardian. But if your current pace is GR 60, you can do that just fine.

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what do you mean with this?

Somebody told me a couple seasons ago…
GR guardians drop an increasing number of pieces up to 10, depending on GR level.

If you want to farm XP, you pick a difficulty level where you can one shot regular mobs and few shot elites. (Not fun for me but definitely don’t pick struggle.)

If you want to farm loot, you do the same but there is really no point of going past GR90 because there is no more loot. Of course if you one shot 110 why wouldn’t you.

Of course I’m happy to stand corrected - or confirmed.

Visions are a different animal, there is more loot each level in a given visions, so if you get lucky and go deep, you’ll end up with 3 legs per mob. And then there is the goblin level, although if you play melee you’ll most usually auto close them and curse like there is no tomorrow. (Monk primary attack automatically opens chest as soon as you accidentally kill the goblin.)

My ultimate point was don’t stress about it. Reacting to “not there yet”. You are always there. If you are early on, GR is great, you get gems, paragon, and no loot distraction.


The number of Legendary items dropping from an RG increases with the level, up to GR90.

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So is there a resource which goes beyond this?