New patch will kill many wizard builds not just bazooka

That is a possibility with some classes having their rings inferior to weapon/armor.

It’s not so-so, you didn’t see the last leaderboards. LoN Mammoth was right up there with Crus/Barb top clears solo. The only reason it was absent from 4 man is because everyone was on the Nova Necro / WD bandwagon. Had they tried to throw wizard in any of that mix they would have got similar clears but they got turned off by the bug fix and the 33% nerf (which really didn’t do anything btw). Again underestimation by the community.

Fine though, I’m certainly not opposed to just a ToV buff which is likely to happen, I just fear the buff will be too tame and a way to just leave it alone and super buff ToV would be to change the mod for SS/Magistrate to favor ToV over LoN.

I don’t disagree with that.