With very serious concerns about the gameplay mechanics of the new monk set, Patterns of Justice (basically, Tyrael set)
The only thing i like about it… is the visuals. Really, this is one of the best looking pieces of gear in D3.
Gameplay mechanics come straight from the depths of hell.
proccing larger size with TR - rarely happens, usually SW kills stuff before you can reach it in speed clears
damage output largely lackluster, remains somewhere around season 14 meta
unless using Kyoshiro’s belt, you lose SW stacks and lose them fast, since that’s how the mechanics of this skill works
TR is a resource heavy skill, forcing the player to invest resources in reduction of it, just for the sake of it not performing its task well (enlarging SW size)
Something here is severely broken in mechanics.
All this patch seem to do, really, is just give WoL SWK build a more potent weapon with more stacks of SW to it, to use a much much superior build to do speed runs using explosive light rune.
Here’s what i think can help this set as first aid:
Applying the added damage to Tempest Rush, this skill needs love and have supporting items
reducing the number of enemies needed to be hit by TR to enlarge SW, maybe even to 10
giving us indication of said number, we don’t have any
Where is the damage mitigation? its incredibly squishy. One dependent on stacks could work (4% per stack for total of 52%)
Also, something seem to be technically broken with the Tempest Rush procs. Going through hundreds of enemies in the non existing cow level couldn’t proc it. Something is bugged
reduce the number of enemies needed to proc that buff to ZERO and the set is still inferior compared to SW.
I can do the same with just LoD build (which allows for more legendaries as well). I"m really disappointed.
This set is a mess. It does no damage and has no survivability. The 4 piece bonus is irrelevant and the radius increase from the 6 piece bonus is very timid and infrequent. The really need to rethink this whole set through.
On a quick test this set/build woefully underpowered and lacks survivability. It can barely do T16. The set needs some redesign and more support items.
After some more testing and tuning, I think it is clear as it will ever be right now.
Here are a few key points of not only my testing, but fellow monk testers in PTR. Ready? here we go:
Total damage output is severely lacking compered to other builds, especially the popular Sunwuko Wave of Light, which just got a buff with more stacks of Sweeping Wind. Were are talking in magnitude of several multipliers here.
Sweeping Wind size barely gets increased, even in large density areas. This one is just very tough to generally do anything with
not all supporting items of this build get used by most players who decide to push greater rifts with it. Eye of the storm’s effect just not worth it to many.
Survive-ability is extremely lacking since there is no mechanic in the set that adds it. People in their builds have to use serious and heavy incoming-damage reducers such as Crystal Fist and Lefebvre’s Soliloquy, on top of Unity, on top of Spirit guards.
Currently with Primal-Ancient gear, it seem to perform at about a tenth in performance level compered to Sunwuko based Wave of Light.
Suggestions - Ways to improve on the set and its builds
Built-in damage mitigation will allow players to leave more slots for items that don’t directly help with that. Giving stack of it with stacks of Sweeping Wind could help. Say 5% per stacks, giving 65% reduced incoming damage.
Eye of the storm needs love, and i think that instead of doubling it for single targets, straight out tripling it for all could help
Kyoshiro’s Soul could use the same treatment
Ultra-wide Sweeping Wind for all. I think that the effect of a large area of damage should be built in a way that proccs quickly with Tempest Rush. Maybe, each hit from Tempest Rush enlarge it, giving it about 5 ticks quickly to become its maximum size?
I think the dev’s are aware of it.
There are many comments that are almost exactly the same.
It’s early days, it’s a new set and like all the others, it will be tweaked. They may even ask for suggestions. Who knows? They may ask the Monk community. The Barbarian changes are in part to the Barbarian community getting together and planning out a well-thought out batch of suggestions… As for what, when and how, is anyone’s guess.
Kudos to you.
I gather you spoke to some people in the Monk community?
There are two people in the Barbarian Community that seem like really nice people - Fury and Rage - befriend them. They can probably tell you “HOW” to get heard.
i play monk from day 1 so i know very much about the class and builds. also i’m pretty active in german monk community and i’m trying to make some noise here since i don’t think that you ever get heared on eu forum. pity is ny unavility to format text properly and my language problems.
the most important thing is to make some noise in that thread so please add some thoughts there such that the thread gets one of most read here. i also hope for some comments of better known monks playing on us server
Any good person won;t pull you up on your language. If you can be understood, this is all that matters.
If someone does give you a hard time, they are often the ones with the real problem.
Most of the time, the moderators and people that want to understand you, will simply ask you to rephrase whatever it is you are saying.
Everyone has an equal say here and nobody is above another person.
Have you joined the Monk community on here? Make some friends there. I think you will be welcomed by the people that can see you have a genuine interest in their favourite character.