New Lon gem! BH/MH/ST/IAS/CD/Etc Build idea

With the season18lonmanald build would I be better off with supermassive for potential manald procs or event horizons for basically infinite defense. I can’t find if or how much Supermassive/BlackHole procs Manald heal and paralysis.

BTW, I’m assuming I would take out BotS or PE for the new LoD gem.

And would this be any good as a build?

Edit: I assume vitality is adjusted with paragon. It’s just set at a default rate in the build example.(All intelligence.)

I’m kind of using it now and it’s very fun for when it’s good. And the gem would give partial bonuses making it easier to deal with.

Edit2: You can also replace manald with Kirini for more defense.

not be the bad guy but none of them builds will work