New List of Social Features Bugs

This is a list of bugs that I noticed so far relating to social features. Some are listed in the follow post, some are not.

New Bugs from the September maintenances:

  1. In a party menu, other players’ characters and portraits sometimes do not show up.
  2. Often times, friends list shows players playing level 0 “unknown” character.
  3. Sometimes, players with “quick join” enabled do not appear on the quick join list on the bottom right of the main screen, even though both players are online and in the same gamemode.
  4. On the friends list, sometimes players who are playing seasonal characters don’t have the season icon displayed. They show up just like nonseason friends with the diablo icon instead of the green leaf. This is not uniform. Some of my friends have the season icon. Some don’t (even though they’re playing season).
  5. If you appear offline and try to send a private message in game, you will get a notification saying “This will change your status to online. Send message?” Clicking yes no longer changes your status to online. The message will still be sent, but you will continue to appear offline. The only way right now is to manually change the status in the Blizzard launcher.
  6. Sometimes, you cannot invite a friend to your party by right clicking on their name in chat (the option is either not displayed at all or greyed out), even though you are both online and in the same gamemode. Hovering over the greyed out option doesn’t tell you why you cannot invite them. When this happens, you can still invite them by clicking on the invite button on the friends list.
  7. When a player leaves your party, their invite occasionally still shows up as pending (i.e., their portrait still remains in the top left corner, with the pending animation).

Long Standing Bugs:

  1. If a player is invited to a game in which the party leader is not their friend, they often get stuck for a long time or end up in the party menu and have to manually click “resume game” to enter the game.
  2. When you invite someone to your party, sometimes you will get a message in chat saying “this player cannot join the party because they are not eligible for the current content”, even though they clearly are. They usually get stuck for a while and eventually are able to get in.
  3. When a friend is in GR 150, it doesn’t show up in friends list. It will only say "Greater Rift Tier - "

This is the bug I have atm aswell. Worked fine yesterday, but today this bug hit.