New interview regarding QoL changes

im not the delusional one here… “charm inventory” was explicitly created to addressed the issue he described in his post.

you are trying to compare something to the exact thing is was designed to prevent.

and somehow u don’t see the inherent flaw in this…

The Devil wants sacrifices, not QoL!

  • Why not a charms inventory ?
    Inventory management. Although D3 doesn’t have charms you have to decide if you want to have no charms, half charms, full charms, etc. in your inventory. Most of the time people play with full charms when their character is already decked out, and for PvP, and solo games. Otherwise, public games you probably don’t need as many charms in inventory because the party is probably gonna kill the monsters without the help of charms in your/their inventory anyways.

The whole reason to not have a charms inventory is for inventory management. PvP and Solo games people are going to use full charms to get the most power(PvP), or mf/life/etc.(Solo). In a public party game where people are doing Baal runs, or any kind of runs then most people are not going to use charms because the party is going to kill the monsters fairly quick without the help of charms. There is really no need of a charms inventory based on the above info, and the way people play PvP, Solo, or public runs.

So, conclusion is:
Fully decked PvP = full charms because you aren’t going to pick up items(you’re dueling)!
Solo games = full charms(mainly mf/life/etc.) so you don’t have to worry about other people ninja looting, etc.! So, it’s ok to have full charms in Solo games! Also, if you’re really decked out you can go with no charms to pick up more items that you’re gonna keep, or sell at a Vendor for more gold!
Public games = no charms. Reason is because most of the time in a party you’re going to end up killing monsters/bosses without the help of charms. This way it will give you, and the other players more space to pick up items. But, if you want charms in your inventory during public runs then it’s up to the player.

As far as stackable gems I am against it as far as D2. Yes, I play and love D3, and it has stackable gems when you collect them. D3 is a totally different style game. It is fun, and fast paced. Stackable gems do not belong in D2, though, because of how D2 is made to have items fit the tetris of the inventory/stash. Each gem is 1 square. Each wand is 2 squares. Etc., etc., the list goes on. D2R is a remaster with minor QoL, updated graphics, updated UI, enhanced Bnet 2.0 security that doesn’t affect the core gameplay of D2 that is shared loot(FFA), inventory management, tetris of how items fit, keeping items to either use for other characters/trade, low drop rates, etc.! Again, the list goes on! D2 is made to be a hard, decision making game. It’s not meant to be so easy that the game gives you every thing at your feet. You have to put in the grind, and make decisions on how you play a character and the space you’re given! :slight_smile:

D2 has inventory management that has you make decisions on what you keep/use in your inventory. Gotta use inventory to hold TP/ID tomes/scrolls, charms, potions, items. Compared to D3 you only have an inventory in D3 to pick up items, and usually salvage them for materials. Your inventory in D3 is usually always empty after your item salvaging, and you don’t need anything in your inventory during GR runs. The only reason to have an inventory in D3 is to pick up items, and put them in your 13 stash tabs, or salvage/sell them for materials/gold. There is no inventory management in D3 because D3 is a fun, fast paced game that doesn’t require you to have any kind of decision making for inventory management. D2 on the other hand is made around inventory management of what to keep/use. It’s not necessarily hard as in it’s a “hard game”, but rather making a choice is sometimes hard because you have to either sacrifice space to hold more charms, or sacrifice charms to hold more space. D2 is a hard game starting out because you have to grind for your items, and make trades for the items you’re missing. As you progress the game becomes a little more easy because you’re higher level, have better stats, have more points in better skills, have better items if you’ve found them yet, etc.


The team also wanted to gauge the fanbase’s reaction to some of the small quality of life changes that had been implemented, such as automatic gold pick-up. “For the most part people really liked them,” Gallerani says. “In fact they want to see more. The game is still a work in progress - this was a tech alpha - so even from the design side we have a lot of thoughts about [additional] quality of life updates and ways we can make them better.”

“There’s a difference between making the game easier and making the game easier to play.”

Let’s see how true to form this game ends up. This quote definitely gives me hope they won’t bastardize it, but I’ve been disappointed before.

A charm inventory doubles your inventory space. That’s a big change, not just QoL.


I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say. See my post above.

yes… we know you don’t understand… that’s pretty apparent…

maybe try using your brain, or if that’s too hard then try to just stop assuming something that was conceived as an idea to add more inventory space in a way to not affect balance and not allow more use of charms… has been implemented in multiple mods, tested, retested, verified, and the people who use it confirm it has no negative balance effect… MAYBE… just… idk stop pretending we dont know what we are talking about… and that this is some “new thing that’s is going to suddenly ruin everything”

You… have patience :clap:

At this point every time I start reading certain people’s posts I immediately know who it is without even checking the name and the answer in my mind is like a demented version of family feud, “BUT muh SuRvEy SaYs”

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The funny thing is even the D2R developer commented in a positive way on the community surveys.

“The community has been amazing, we have sites of people putting together surveys and PowerPoints for us. It’s awesome to see them share how they feel about it.”

I called it first you’d be bleeding heart over 1,000 posts about surveys lol.

I can appreciate your passion :wink:

Just fix your grammar. Tons of people have said charm inventory makes the game different. MrLamaSC is one of them.

But regardless of who wants it added, there’s a reason you want it added so bad. Because it changes the game.


“The line is simple in that we don’t want to make the game easier,” Rob Gallerani says. “We want to remain faithful, so there’s a difference between making the game easier and making the game easier to play. With some feedback and requests coming in it’s easy for us to not do a thing because that will make the game easier. When people say, ‘We don’t want to worry about arrows anymore, give us infinite arrows’, or more broadly, ‘I want a giant inventory’. Stuff like that removes important choices; do I pick this item up or do I leave it behind? Do I go back to town now? Making the inventory bigger means more charms in your bag and that starts to change what the game is.”

In this statement they said people want infinite arrows which in turn more broadly people want to have a giant inventory to hold a lot more arrows which removes important choices of, “Do I pick this item up or do I leave it behind? Do I go back to town now? Making the inventory bigger means more charms in your bag and that starts to change what the game is.” With a giant inventory you don’t have to make important choices as much, and means more charms in your bag. With this like they said starts to change what the game is. Pretty much what they’re saying here is it wouldn’t feel like D2, and it would start to change what the game is. Therefore I don’t think they’ll increase the inventory size, or have a charms inventory, either. They may be for other QoL, but not increasing inventory size, or having a charms inventory! :slight_smile:

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I personally do not know where they stand on a charm inventory or how they would implement it. They may be actively considering it or not. I think the argument that it violates their rule on decision making is more compelling than the one about making the game easier since there are certain implementations that definitely would make the game harder.

I do know factually that both Blizzard D2R surveys asked about a dedicated charm inventory where the second survey listed it as a QoL feature.

WoW BC just announced, Launching on June 1st. This is better than expected. D2R is definitely releasing around the end of summer a couple months after BC. woooooooooooot

I hope so. Charm inventory is really the only QoL i hope they actually add. Stacking charms in your already super tiny inventory is just annoying. I get the “choice”, still don’t like it. lol

Oh come on, thats such blatant corporate sugarcoating there. Ofc they will try to let the community feel as loved, as worthy, as important as possible.

Do you really think Blizzard will take a community made survey by a single random reddit user as valid?


We knew this on May 4.

The big reddit survey definitely has sampling bias but it does give insight. In terms of taking the survey as valid or not, Blizzard has sent out two surveys of their own and presumably analyzed the data that they themselves collected.

If the results of the Blizzard survey demonstrated that the reddit was completely false, fictionalized data that did not align with their own results within some margin of error, I think Blizzard would not have mentioned it and given details like “powerpoint”.

believe me Tuzz, ive asked Micro this exact question over and over. His mental gymnastics are strong. :stuck_out_tongue:

was it on the investor call? i dont remember. but this is the official announcement. BC releasing this early is important for getting D2R as fast as possible in Q3. Summer release babyyyy cmonnnnnn



yes it makes the game different… better is most certainly a “difference”
vastly superior with no drawback. that’s a pretty nice difference

are the type of person who also hears geico say we can same you “up to 15 % or more”

and somehow doesn’t realize " up to means less than 15%" and 15% or more means more than 15% thereby by saying that they mean literally any number in existence?

mr “grammar” over here
telling me my grammar is bad… and you use the word “different” as if different is automatically “bad”.

This is a remaster.

Must be 20 characters.

sorry, that’s only 19 characters…

or did u mean to say it must be “at least” 20 characters… “Mr. Grammar”