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So you would prefer Blizzard just introducing optional personal loot into the game without communicating that fact beforehand (if that is what Blizzard decided). Simple respect suggests that they should tell the players first.

Again this topic is not about whether or not optional personal loot should be introduced it is about Blizzard communicating this.


Still trolling I see. No to ploot. You wont get it, ever. Go away, forever.


Wouldn’t it be nice to get that explicitly stated by Blizzard if that what their plan was?

If I had supreme confidence in Blizzard deciding something that I wanted, I would want Blizzard to announce it ASAP and sing it from the bell towers.


They don’t communicate because they won’t implement ploot. Easy as that


Nope. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1!


They already said when asked explicitly about optional personal loot not yet but they are listening to player feedback. I gave the quote above. Blizzard also asked in their first D2R survey if the players were interested in personal loot replacing FFA loot at launch. I disagree with this.

Irrespective, it would be nice if Blizzard provided a more definitive statement than not yet and we are listening to player feedback on this issue.

Stop being delusional personal loot is coming.

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Says who? 5 guys on the forums? You guys need to get off of your ego trips


Why would we need clarification on something thats very obviously never going to happen? They’ve re-iterated time and time again that they: “will not be fixing D2, play our other games” “we were VERY hesitant to even add auto-gold” “this is just a remaster with minor QoL”. They’ve said these statements over and over and over.

-They won’t implement more content, but they’ll completely change the core looting system?
-They wont implement charm inventory or remove stamina, but they’ll completely change the core looting system?
-They were extremely hesitant to even add auto-gold… but they’ll completely change the core looting system?
-They literally straight up refused to increase the characters inventory size… but they’ll completely change the core looting system?

… you see how we don’t need any further “clarification” ploot isn’t coming? Do we also need confirmation that another expansion isn’t coming? Or that they aren’t adding more classes and Acts? No, because they’ve made it abundantly clear this is a simple remaster with minor changes. Common sense seems to be completely lost on the ploot crowd.


Looks like you might wanna have a talk with Butasaru, Boutus.
For the record: noone of us said we would refund over this. The

seems to be exclusive to a certain group on this board.

As already said, we never said we would refund over this. All we (politely) ask for is an option.
The question is, what would you and your argument-buddies do if they say yes? And i suspect that answer is alot more telling.

just like kids in the car… are we ther yet- are we ther yet.


Or in the sandbox: “he took my shovel!” “but you still have your other shovel and you never cared for your second shovel ever.” “he took my shoveeeeeeeeeeeeel!”

i only have one shovel its FFA. i dont have 2. so bad take

You can make a declarative statement “thats very obviously never going to happen” that is inconsistent with what Blizzard said earlier. I prefer dealing in facts based on what Blizzard actually said when asked directly on this topic.

The goal of this thread is to see if a final decision has been made or not. If made, what is it.

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You still have your shovel though. The other shovel wasnt even yours.
Get it now? o.O

but why would i say he took my shovel when iam alone? and already got what i need. doent make sence.

Because you are not alone. Look around you: other people.

No personal loot, that’s all I am saying.

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but why would i need a second shovel when i got 1 ther works fine. still dosent make sence.

if you say kids cry when they dont get what they want. you right.

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If that is what Blizzard has decided, then it would be nice if that was communicated explicitly. The time when they were asked point blank about optional personal loot there answer was not yet, but we are listening to player feedback. That left the door open. Is the door still open and will be implemented? Or is it closed?