New Bastion Observations

Anybody really pushed LoD? On paper it doesn’t seem like it would be that much weaker, but it should be waaaaay tankier.

Only problem is die in 1 hit on elite if not already on wrath.

I finally was able to do some testing on this:

3100 para, almost perfect gear, 10/13 augments of 105ish.

GR110 in 7 minutes, GR115 in 10 minutes. Tried 2 different GR120’s. First was bad map and I knew I wouldn’t finish. Second was great map and I barely finished.

Overall, I think LoD frenzy is about 5 GR’s behind LoD HotA. It’s about on par with my LoD DoD WD. I’m fine with this, but I’d rather have it with a little more juice, if we’re trying to keep up with Rend.


I appreciate you and other barb players for making this class great.

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LoD does have about 3 times the toughness, but it lacks more than half the damage. Do it is easier to play but won’t go as far.

what gear slots for the new frenzy set? Did we get any non traditional slot like belt amulet ring or bracers???

No it is the standard slots so all that has transmogs, ie Helm, chest, shoulders, gloves, pants and boots

jeez, i mean, they couldn’t have atleast given us 1 non traditional slot so that we could use the 2 piece with any other set other than Ik???

w t f

I really dislike this new set now. So much for adding any more diversity to our mix. Opportunity missed by the devs on this one for sure.

We ain’t never gonna get another set, I hope the barb community hammers this one on ptr feedback. It’s so underwhelming. We already have 3 strictly helm chest shoulders boots gloves legs sets. Many other classes have a set with a necklace or other slot.

I think that was a goal, to present to much set mixing. But mainly it poses some limitations for supportive legendaries for the set. Supportives that would help it thrive, and is available in the LoN(D) variant.

Monks have one and Crusader has one. The oddity is that for monks it isn’t even that class “main set”, which poses some serious balancing issues.

But from a development stand it is just easier to create a full fantasy and limit the options to create a specific style. And that is what Blizzard does with D3. Very little player innovation.

Wizards have a set with an amulet also.

Oh yea…

Still with the new amulets Squirts and Flavor of Time, it is a pretty competetive slot

Did someone test if the 10 extra hits with bastion proc the thorn damage with hack ?

Pretty much all classes have at least 1 set which uses a non-traditional slot. The only class that I can’t recall one for is the Necromancer.

Demon Hunters, Wizards and Monks have 2 sets like this.

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No thorns proc, tested… Doesn’t happen.

It is a complicated way of saying: Frenzy deals +100% damage per stack.