"New" 2.6.6 builds

Here are some potential "new" builds for season 18:

Jade Harvester Crimson Fury Witch Doctor From BigDaddyDen76



Crimson Rainment Generator Monk From Wolfcryer



2.6.6 Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor and Wizard build preview From Bluddshed

Class Build Target
Crusader 2.6.6 Roland Sweep Push Build GR100+ :white_check_mark:
Crusader 2.6.6 Shield Bash Speed Build T16 :white_check_mark:
Demon Hunter 2.6.6 Natty (Natalya’s) Strafe Speed Build T16 :white_check_mark:
Monk 2.6.6 Uliana Speed Build T16 :white_check_mark:
Witch Doctor 2.6.6 Jade Speed Build T16 :white_check_mark:
Wizard 2.6.6 EB SPEED T16/SPEEDS T16 :white_check_mark:

Unhallowed Essence Multishot Captain Crimson Fire Demon From Leviathan



Blood & Essence Necromancer Speed Farm Build From Lord Fluffy



Diablo 3 S18 LoD Necromancer Singularity Mages T16 Speeds Build 2.6.6 from BigDaddyDen76

Patch 2.6.6 Builds WW, WOL, Archon, Condemn, Multishot Diablo 3 PTR From Bluddshed

Barb starts at :point_right: 18:06

Sage Barbarian - Build Guide Season 18 (T15-16)

Raekor Barbarian Starter Build Guide Patch Build 2.6.6 Season 18 Diablo 3

As you can see there’s not much love for barbs in the upcoming season, so I think they deserve a buff, cause they’re trully need it and I’m not the only one who thinks like that…

Buff Barb for Patch 2.6.6 and Season 18 Diablo 3

I know this video is “old”, but as you can see many barb players feel the pain of being the lowest damage dealing class for pushing high GRs, while most of the other classes (except maybe monk and crusaders) enjoy the ride…


Nice compendium, thanks!

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You’re welcome, hope you found something interesting to play with.