@ Nevalistis in regards to barb proposal

No, but there is a definite unfairness if the other six classes get buffs / items and Barbarians don’t get any. You know, like Season 17.


Using the Diabloprogress :
Crusaders clear : 135.
Wd clear : 136
Barbarian clear : 128.

Just cause someone fits a meta with zdps does not mean they should be excluded from getting updates and fixes like everyone else.


This thread is too antagonistic and toxic.


This has been discussed in length. The only spot we have ever had is support. Yes we have a spot in 4 man meta pushes, but most people who level legendary gems quickly use speed runs.
What is the speed run meta? For S17 It’s 3 wizards and a monk or 3 necros and a barb. There were a few seasons that Speeds were 4 necros. Wiz also has a guaranteed spot in meta, has an amazing speed run build and has the top solo clear by far.
On top of that information, majority of barbs play solo. Zbarb isn’t very fun or engaging and has been around for so long that is only used by players who are farming paragon or gems.
Wizards are the top class in every aspect of the game, yet when barbs need a buff people run to tell us we have to choose one or the other while completely dismissing how dominant other classes are.
It’s an invalid point.


Perhaps, but toch of them are better solo. :confused:
WD is rocking right now.

Quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve read on the forums in just about forever.

(Former barb who went to DH years ago)

Don’t forget The executioner change. That could give Barbarians running zdps the kills.
That is soooo engaging in a HackNSlash game for sure…

It wasn’t directed at anyone in particular. My oldest hero is a Whirlwind Barb. I’d love to use him to do something other than farming for keys.


MicroRNA, please elaborate on why you think barb should have to choose between a boring support role or to have an average solo clear?
Are you purposely ignoring other classes?
By your logic each class should only be able to perform well in one subject. This is epitome of imbalance.


Your question cant be answered from a community perspective. It’s a personnal question and the responses u get may change from a player to another.

Personnaly i play casually with friends. I prefer a hundred times to have a build who can be on par with other in solo play.

The absolute domination of zdps barb is about a couple of buff, it seem really easy to offer it to other classes, and no one will complain about it

My point is that barbs and monks are lucky that they have a guaranteed spot in the 4 man meta. Both needs to be buffed DPS-wise as these two classes are worst relative to solo clears. My point is both classes need help but don’t ignore the fact that other classes really would want to be part of the four man meta; however, the likelihood of this happening is significantly reduced because barbs and monks “always” have a spot from season 4 and on.

  1. I know that is why I argue that barbs as well as monks deserve a DPS boost.
  2. As you mentioned, a couple changes to some skills might open up other options relative to 4 man meta group composition. Why not implement these?
  3. Monk’s skill could also be nerfed to make this class not a mandatory zDPS.

I’ll easily say I would take an equal performing solo Barbarian class over a cookie cutter anyone can throw some items together zdps Barbarian support class.

Like it’s so easy to make a support build. Ya, it hurts your loot options to not play your main class in groups, but it’s still incredibly easy to copy/paste the generic items and then join a group and get xp/gem levels.

As someone who finds group play incredibly boring because of the zdps/support meta in an ARPG, I only play solo now. So nerf support Barb for all I care.

All zdps builds should be nerfed tbh.

This doesn’t negate the fact that we need serious buffs, which it seems you agree with. I’m not sure if I understand the point you’re trying to make or if you are just saying “hey at least we still have this”.


Ideally, it would be nice to have good solo builds and be part of the 4 man meta. Unfortunately, the class composition of the four man meta has stagnated since season 12.

I do not want barbs to have to choose between being a boring zDPS and DPS; however, some classes are excluded from the 4 man meta.

My logic is that it would be nice to perform well in at least one subject; however, some classes perform poorly in both groups and solo. Wouldn’t it be nice for crusaders to get a DPS boost or an opportunity to be in the 4 man meta?


So, like wizards and necromancers, you mean?


I think you’re getting pretty off topic. We’re talking about barbs. Yes, other classes need balance changes, but the discussion is about barbs.

I feel like you’re saying, “wouldn’t it be nice if we balanced other classes too? so don’t worry about barb right now because all of these other classes needs buffs”

I don’t know WD’s at all, but DH and Sader have off meta RGK builds. DH is mainly used, but friends and clanmates can and do run off meta groups using different classes to do different things.

  • Demon Hunters can comfortably kill rift guardians all the way up to GR 150. Demon Hunters have the option of DPS in solo or in groups. With a Znec or with pylons a DH can pull off 3 min kills on 150. I mean… that’s amazing.

  • Crusader can comfortably kill rift guardians all the way up to GR 150 with TWO builds, Invoker and Heaven’s Fury. Are they widely used? No, but they work. Look at the Seasonal 4p leaderboard right now. Rank 37 is a 150 clear in 9 minutes with a Heaven’s Fury crusader and Znec support.

  • WD can also kill RGs all the way up to 150. They’re not as good as other options but they work.

So… yeah sorry not buying this whole meta argument

Face it. Barbs are broken and only “relevant” due to accidental mechanics and buggy wall charge builds. Same goes for Monks but at-least their solo builds don’t rely on bugs.


Thanks for clearing that up, Ulma (Arch). :slight_smile:

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Agreed, as well as redundant. Part of our forum Code of Conduct is to avoid spamming the forums with repeated content. If you have additional feedback you want to give about Barbarians and the buffs you’d like to see, there are already half a dozen other applicable, more constructive threads.